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The (h/c) haired [1] male followed after the reader and leaped onto the head of the Queen Mirabad with the help of his jump boots.

"Whoa! Hey, can't you go any slower?!" shouted Kim Dokja. The Queen Mirabad then dove under water then emerged back up, soaking both the reader and (h/c) haired male.

"Oi," Y/N said with an irk mark on his forehead, "slow down." The Queen Mirabad who was afraid of the (h/c) haired male's glare and reluctantly slowed down. 

'Is he the one using the taming skill or am I?'  Kim Dokja sweat dropped. The reader then froze, taking in the other's features. Y/N's (h/c) hair was messy with water dripping down the tips of his hair strands, his white dress shirt [2] was transparent and clung onto his body shape and water drops were rolling down his neck. 

Kim Dokja glanced back at the people who were behind them and felt something in his chest. The reader then approached the (h/c) haired male and put his white coat over his shoulders.

"Hyung?" Y/N questioned, grabbing onto the collar part of the coat. 

"You'll catch a cold," was what Kim Dokja said but his thoughts were different, 'I can't help but not want them to see him like this...'

"You'll be the one who'll catch a cold without your coat. You're wet as well. Take your coat, I'll be fine," Y/N motioned to the coat on his shoulders.

"You say that but you don't even want to take it off. Just wear it."

"It's because it's warm but of course I'll take it off and give it to you since it's yours," replied Y/N.

"You don't need to take it off now. Take it off when you're drier," said Kim Dokja.

"Oh," a teasing smirk appeared on the (h/c) haired male's face, "do you want me to take something else off instead?" he leaned closer to the reader's face. 

"Not now..." the reader glanced back at the people behind them.

Y/N mind seemed to break. He looked so stunned that a 'processing' symbol could be seen above his head. ''Not now'? Now now what-'.

"What are you thinking?" said Kim Dokja realising what he just said, "I meant you could joke around later but not now cause there's a lot of people behind us!" 

'Oh, that's what he meant,'  thought Y/N.




When they arrived on the island, Kim Dokja grabbed Y/N by the arm and hid behind a tree. A group of people holding weapons then appeared on the island and looked around for them until Lee Jihye appeared and dealt with them. 

"Why don't you come out now?" said Jihye. "What's the use of hiding when you have the target mark on you?" 

"Oh," only noticed how dumb his plan was now. "Are you going to kill me too?"

"I want to but I can't because that would make my master sad-" Lee Jihye cut herself off when she saw a soaking wet Y/N behind Kim Dokja with the reader's coat over his shoulder. She also did not miss the sight of the (h/c) haired male's transparent clothes. "You- You!" she looked at Y/N then Kim Dokja, "maybe it would make master happy if I killed you-"

"Don't think about nonsense. Don't you see that I'm wet too?" Kim Dokja pointed out. 

"Right..." Jihye was still a little sceptical. 

"Is Joonghyuk-ah here?" asked Y/N.

"Isn't that why you two came here? But why did you bring those dead weights with you?" Jihye looked at the many boats coming towards them. 

"To fight the flood disaster of course," replied Kim Dokja.

"Why? You don't need to fight the flood disaster. That's what master said," both Kim Dokja's and Y/N's  eyes widened. They both took off to find Yoo Joonghyuk.




"Yoo Joonghyuk, what do you think you're doing right now?" Kim Dokja questioned.

"You have a lot you don't know for someone with future vision," said Yoo Joonghyuk.

"Did you... feed the scenario guide's meter to the  catastrophe? But why? We can do without the guide but why are you trying to awaken the flood disaster early? Have you lost it?!" questioned Kim Dokja.

"This disaster was an ally of mine in a past life. Y/N would know," Yoo Joonghyuk glanced at the (h/c) haired male behind Kim Dokja. The protagonist's eyes hardened seeing the white coat on his shoulders. "The catastrophe is safe."

'Yoo Joonghyuk is an idiot,'  thought the (h/c) male, 'and so was he. Well, they are the same person after all. This one is just more hot tempered and stupider than him.'

[The 'Catastrophe of Floods' is preparing to hatch]

"Lee Seolhwa! Take Yoo Joonghyuk and get off this island now!" Kim Dokja yelled, panicking. "The catastrophe of floods is nothing like the previous scenarios! We need to band together and fight it as one. If we join forces-" Kim Dokja was paralysed by the protagonist and fell to his knees. 

"Don't get in my way unless if you want to die Kim Dokja," warned Yoo Joonghyuk.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Y/N grabbed the protagonist by his collar, the white coat slipping off his shoulders. 

"Do you want to join him?" Yoo Joonghyuk glared with a hint of pain in his eyes.

"F*ck who wants to join him?!" Y/N pissed.

[The skill 'Ruler's Aura' has been activated]

It wasn't the (h/c) haired male who fell onto his knees, it was the protagonist, Yoo Joonghyuk who was on the ground.

"How about you join him Joonghyuk-ah?" Y/N said with a closed eyed smile and an irk mark on his forehead. 

"You-?!" Yoo Joonghyuk who was about to retort was cut off by a smack on the back of his head. 

"Behave," Y/N glared at him with a scary expression. "We're in this situation because of you."

'Serves you right b*stard,'  Kim Dokja scoffed, feeling someone glare at him. 

"You incarnations sure have a short temper," a dokkaebi appeared, "you're so eager to awaken the flood disaster when all the other planets have tried to avoid it. Well then, get ready to greet the catastrophe." 

[The 'Catastrophe of Floods' is awakening]

The meteorite containing the flood disaster opened and revealed a woman with feathers covering her. 

'Shin Yoosung... just how many years have you suffered for us?'  thought Y/N.



[1] I just realised that I forgot to put 'haired' or 'hair' after (h/c) 🗿

[2] I just need you guys wearing a white dress shirt for this scene. The rest of the other scenes the clothing is your choice.

This is unedited.