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A (h/c) haired male could now be seen walking around in the underworld with knights with heart made of flames following behind him, the one closest to him being the one with a cape and mask. 

"What are you doing?" it was the voice of a constellation, Hades.

"Ah, the owner has finally greeted his guest," Y/N smiled and looked up.

"I asked you a questioned. What are you doing in the underworld?" questioned Hades.

"I... wanted to find someone, someone who's died. I want to find their soul," Y/N answered. The soul that he wanted to find was none other than Kim Joonghyun's soul, after all he was never able to forget how he felt towards the other male. 

"I will help you find this person's soul if you agree to ally yourself with the underworld," Hades offered a deal.

"No need, I've already found a bit of it," Y/N turned back and intertwined his hands with his new ghost knight, 'Phantom Heart'. 

The appearance of Kim Joonghyun in this round is something that he never expected, however he knows why he's able to appear. When Kim Joonghyun had died, is obsession towards the love he felt had chained his soul to this realm. It was through that soul that he was able to appear, but Kim Joonghyun is a kinda man. 

Kim Joonghyun knew that he could not hurt Y/N with such an ending. Though it was the ending that he always wanted a part of him could not bare to hurt Y/N. The thoughts and emotions in him started to argue with each other, then finally his soul split in many pieces. Just like clones or avatars, more than one Kim Joonghyun now existed here, however it's impossible to tell which one is the original one. 

The one that Y/N had killed was only a part of his soul. He's still out there- a more stubborn and obsessive Kim Joonghyun was out there. The parts of his soul was split unevenly so some may be the kinda and gentle Kim Joonghyun that Y/N had once liked and some were.... pure evil

"Do you mind sending me back to the scenarios?" Y/N asked Hades. 

".... Fine."




Y/N was now following behind Kim Dokja with the group as they were heading towards a meeting place where the other kings were. A man then stopped them when they were about to head in the tent, saying only kings can enter.

"Hm, mind me going in too?" Y/N questioned.

"Are you a king?" the man sneered, seemingly annoyed. "You're not right? I've never heard of you-"

Everyone's eyes widened, seeing the man's head get cut off cleanly by Phantom Heart who had appeared out of thin air. 

"Why do you keep appearing on your own?" Y/N turned to his knight, "I can't even control you when you're my knight now."

"Disrespecting Y/N," Phantom Heart motioned to the headless male on the ground. 

[L/N Y/N: Revived King]

'I guess fallen crown upgrading isn't a bad thing...'  thought Y/N. He then turned to Phantom Heart, 'but I guess even if the appearance has changed, Kim Joonghyun is still Kim Joonghyun. His soul is too powerful to control.' 

"So," Y/N turned to the other guard with a smile, "am I qualified now?" 


"Y/N, you're unable to control your skill? Did you use it again? I asked you to not use your fallen crown skill a lot," said Kim Dokja.

"Don't worry Dokja-hyung, I won't be using that skill ever again. But this one right here," Y/N slung his arm around Phantom Heart's shoulder, "will be no trouble... probably." 

Kim Dokja, "..."

Y/N, "..."

Phantom Heart, "..." 




Kim Dokja and Y/N were now in the tent where the other kings were. They didn't seem to be expecting Y/N to become a king himself but what seemed to be the biggest problem was this dude who wasn't a king ranting about how they needed to wake up. He was clearly a business man trying to use others and Y/N really could not deal with his annoying ass talk.

"Y/N.... I can..." Phantom Heart began to slowly draw his sword.

"Nope," Y/N pushed his hand back down. 


"Just deal with it for now. There's probably an actual reason why he's here."

"..." if Phantom Heart were to be honest, he too hated the man's talk and he was a damn skill. 

Y/N then sat down and listened while the other kings were arguing about who will participate with the limit being 10, but he really could not deal with people talking too much. 

"Listen," his voice made everyone else completely silent, "I don't care who else gets to participate however I will  be participating in this one."

"You've only just recently become a king! What right do you have to decide that you get to participate?!" the man who wasn't a king said. A blade was immediately pressed against his neck. 

"Did I give you permission to speak to me?" Y/N's eyes glowed and Phantom Knight pressed his blade closer to the man's neck. "From what I know, you're not even a king. What qualifications do you have to speak to me? "

"But he is right L/N Y/N," the Neutral King spoke, "you've only just become a king."

Y/N laughed, "maybe he's right but," his smile then dropped completely, "are you strong enough to beat me? If we were to rank the order of the kings in this place depending on power... no.1 would be me." 

A loud sound was then created, with the finale king- the Supreme King, Yoo Joonghyuk appearing, knocking down the man who was not a king and stepping on his head while Phantom Heart had dodged and appeared beside Y/N. 

"Ah, it seems the finale king has finally arrived," Y/N smiled, "you're a bit late Joonghyuk-ah."

"Y/N..." Yoo Joonghyuk stared at the (h/c) haired male who had disappeared right beside him the night before. 

"Welcome Supreme King," smiled the Neutral King who then turned to the (h/c) haired male, "L/N Y/N, the words that you just said, do you still believe that those words are still true after the Supreme King has arrived?"

"Yoo Joonghyuk?" Y/N eyes glanced at Yoo Joonghyuk's figure, "why mention him when my ranking still hasn't changed?" 


Been a while I guess.

Should I made a discord server?
It's easier to get ideas and suggestions,
I can drop hints on chapters,
talk to you guys about future updates and just chill in general.
You guys can even do the rankings of Y/N simps if you want (or of Kim Joonghyun if you like that too)

(chapter unedited)