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"System what's this shadow flame all about, I don't remember having this skill?" Tang Zhan asked as he calmly walked towards his 'preys'.

[shadow flame: The shadow is the truth about something as it directly shows into the soul, and so the shadow of a flame is its most hottest.

prerequisites: shadow and any type of flame.

shadow; gotten

flame; phoenix flame gotten.]

"oh so that's how it is, the phoenix flame and my shadow, that's means I can merge skills to get different skills"

As Tang Zhan got to the first zombie, he waved his scythe at the wide opened mouth of the zombie. A smooth cut was made and the top half of the head slid off smoothly.

[you have killed a zombie one level above you, 5 exp gained]

' tsk, this people are poor ' Tang Zhan proceeded to killing the rest of the zombies, and when he was done with them, he had killed a total of 14 zombies.

[Level: 1(Exp: 180/200).]

"Brother! How did you do that?" Yufei had run up to Tang Zhan the moment he killed the zombies, and her eyes glinted and sparkle like those of a fan girl.

Banjo too came over, he was clearly stupefied.

"master Tang Zhan how did you do that just now?" Banjo and Yufei were all over Tang Zhan like he was some popular movie actor.

"let's go inside first, we don't want to attract any of your friends over, do we?" Tang Zhan said with his eyes back to being closed.

"nope! we don't, let's go inside those zombies are decisive"

When they got inside Tang Zhan went to take a shower and change his bloodied clothes. Yufei also went to take a shower before going to the kitchen to make food.

Although Tang Zhan had packed 20 slots filled with big bags of nothing but food. They were not yet for eating. They lived in a mansion, there can't just be a lack of food.

Those food in his slots, were Incase they had to stay out late or if things were to worsen and they are forced to find shelter, they wouldn't have a lack of food.

"so brother what was that black thing you did back there?" Yufei asked as she served ramen on the dinning table.

"chicken ramen, ha!" Tang Zhan complained on the choice of Yufei's cooking. He wasn't a fan of ramen but he managed, but the one he wouldn't accept was chicken ramen and even Yufei knew.

So she might have cooked it to annoy him, or to negotiate with him.

"That shadow thing I did was my skill"

"Skill?" Both Banjo and Yufei questioned.

"what's a skill?"

"A skill is a power you have pertaining to your physique, both of you check your physique"

Yufei who had witnessed true power from her brother was determined to follow him until the end of the world.

' not that we are not already at the end of the world ' Yufei chuckled a bit to herself, after finding the while situation funny.

"isn't the end of the world meant to be rapture? Why a zombie apocalypse?" Like he had read her mind Banjo spoke up warranting a puzzled look on everyone's face.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

[Global announcement;

The first phase has begun, the real apocalypse has started, I hope you enjoyed the warmup.

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