Closing the chapter

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Lawrence wasn't fast enough so he lowers his pose and uses his thick arms to cover his body, but in the process he got badly hurt. He was bleeding all over his forearm and he was starting to pant just from taking that array of hits.

He raises his head up and straighten his posture, he was about to run towards Rill when he saw that his supply of water was exhausted, but as he took the first step, he immediately turns around and blocks again as another volley of spikes shot at him.

He quickly turns around so as to not fall to the same trick twice, then he sees that Rill has stopped his spikes but was now preparing for something worse.

The spikes dissolved back into water, and then splits into two. Both parts then form a bigger fist around Rill's fist, and it stays as water not frozen ice.

Rill still with his feral expression throws a punch from the distance without getting close to Lawrence.

The water was faster than others expected it to be, within two seconds it has traveled over to Lawrence who blocks again, but this time as the water slams against him, a sort of unbearable pressure crushes him and flings him backward.

The water return back to Rill and form into fist again, while the other hand throws out a water fist as well.

This time Lawrence learns his lesson as he quickly sidesteps to the left, but never would he have predicted for the fist to suddenly open up and swing sideways, instantly grabbing him.

He turns his head and sees that is the same thing Rill is doing with his outstretched hand, but he doesn't have enough time to keep staring as he is thrown up and then both fist grabs each other and clenches.

Rising high up, the double held fist slams Lawrence back down to the rock. The impact great enough to bounce him back up.

Rill is unsatisfied with the battle progress as he looks at the water fist encircling his clenched hands. Then he loosens his hand that is tightly clenched onto a fist, as the water as well drop to just a regular hand.

Then he bends his fingers backwards while the water hand does the same while also freezing up, and by the time the hand fully freezes, the newly ice clawed hand then grows some nails long and sharp enough to be called claws.

While still waiting for Lawrence to get back up, water gathers again this one then goes to his legs freezing into a pair of boots, an extremely cold and frozen but wet pair of boots.

Lawrence finally is able to stand up but he is clearly limping and he only stood up after vomiting two mouthfuls of blood. Seeing as he had stood up, Rill lowers his stance, his knee sinking in lower and lower, with his arms drawn back.

As soon as he is ready he shoots forth like a arrow, with great speed he runs up to Lawrence, as he runs to Lawrence the huge frozen ice fist around his hand starts shrinking and shrinking, but not that it was melting or disappearing back into thin air, but rather it was being condensed into itself, and it condenses until it is perfectly a skin tight gauntlet for him.

Testing out the formidability of the gauntlet, he swipes a slash at Lawrence when before reaching him. Although the fist doesn't fly to go hit Lawrence but rather a crazy cold wind blast struck at Lawrence, threatening to uproot him from the ground.

His clothes rips away, exposing his finely chiseled chest and abdomen. Then as Rill reaches him he claws at him but Lawrence easily deflects it sending Rill the other way because the speed at which he was running at was just too high, but this is where his boot come in handy as he turns back facing Lawrence and rather than trying to catch his footing, he is sliding on the rock.

With good control he is able to pull his legs and skate his way around back to Lawrence, showing that the running he ran at high speed was only to gain enough momentum for his moment.

Truly the moment came soon enough as he was back to Lawrence and he throws swipes after swipes, each of them getting deflected but some still find their way through, and Lawrence exposed built body is starting to have numerous tears and slash marks.

Each time he is deflected all he has to do is to just skate his way back and around over an over again.

No one knew and everyone guessed when his energy was going to get exhausted but Aion doubts so, as from his eyes it shows that he is actually meditating and with perfect concentration. With that high state of mind it is very impossible to expend energy and recover at the same time.

Soon enough Lawrence is unable to even defend himself anymore as his hands just swings by his side at the hardest efforts he puts into blocking Rill onslaught of attack, that had now disfigured the solid giant into shredded meat steak.

For his final attack Rill skates away to the other end of the rock as he turns back and faces Lawrence. His chest raises up and down with difficulty and his glowing eyes had dimmed a little, but then he starts running towards Lawrence with the most extreme speed his body could still mutter, and as he got half way he jumps up.

Surprisingly his jump was like a leap, as he easily goes over twenty feet into the air. As he is in the air all his ice automatically leaves his body as his eyes finally lost all lustre and shuts close, but his body still moves and his ice as well.

The ice comes together as it forms into a Tiger, all blue and with a abyssal blue eyes glowing like mini stars.

Rill draws his right hand to the back, the Tiger also draws it's right leg, and as they came descending down unto Lawrence, both Rill and the Tiger come together as Rill is inside the tiger while they both continue mirroring each other.

The drawn hand curved into a claw, while the leg brings out shiny claws from its paw, and so the final strike landed on Lawrence lower stomach.

Rill hand hits the stomach while the tiger, almost like a wave of raw energy slams and disappears into Lawrence immediately causing him to spill out several mouthfuls of blood at once.

His eyes are left wide open and bloodshot, as in them holds extreme fear, panic and horror at a unpleasant reality. All drowsiness he was experiencing and showing from blood loss were all wiped off as he was beaten without a chance to say he surrenders, the finally he was destroyed.

He falls to his knees as his eyes still remains wide open without blinking, then hot tears comes streaming from them he opens his mouth to speak but only blood comes rolling down and he falls to the side fainted, but with his eyes still wide open.

His life ended even before it could start.

Even before he could taste the feeling of having energy running through his veins, even before he could enjoy the sensation of manipulating ki as a cultivator, even before he could see the world from a better view and understand more from it, the means of getting there was destroyed and crushed by the cruel hands of fate.

Rill's final strike and attack was targeted at his abdomen on purpose, and that was to destroy his dantian.

Having a few destroyed meridians in the body doesn't mean one can't still cultivate or use different forms of energy, some are even treatable most times while some are of the unfortunate kind and are untreatable, but the dantian is the main core and also recognized for being the most vulnerable part of a cultivator.

Even more vulnerable than the tongue, eyes or the private part, the dantian is the storage to energy and energy is known to have a free but dangerous nature, a kind that goes freely but will be dangerous if hit too much or roughly. So the dantian being the storage of such a tender substance also has to be tender itself, and because of that it is extremely soft almost as soft as air but with a more physical body.

It is hidden deep within the abdomen and is extremely hard to make contact with unless one is an expert or is purposely targeting it, which is what Rill had done, and by shattering Lawrence dantian, it is equal to ending his life before it begun, just like breaking a future runner's legs and crippling him, so as well Rill has crippled his half-brother Lawrence.

Fainting for a few seconds as well, Rill finally wakes up, winking the fight as it would have been a tie if both ended up unconscious.

"I want nothing of the Ithis family, so you can go home and be your father's best son." He spits to the ground and wipes his mouth as he walks off the rock with exhaustion and the rank one hundred and seventy.


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