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The smokey hand dissipated after writing the word 'valuables', and immediately after the slab disappeared and the insides of a cave could be seen.

As Tang Zhan stepped inside, a cozy chilly wind grazed upon him as he looked around the small cave.

Lanterns were hung on the top of the cave, enveloping the cave in a warm glow, but what was more eye-catching was the singular lone shelf right in the center.

The shelf was made of ancient wood as it exuded a feeling of going through time. It had five rows, the bottom row was occupied by eggs of different colour and sizes.

The next row contained scrolls, glowing with a varieties of colour, and designed with a mysterious runic language. The middle row had badges, that glittered with tiny stars and let out little vibrations. The second was occupied with syringes, all of them filled with thick fluids.

Tang Zhan looked at the top most row, lined with fine set of vials, and right at the middle was a black vial, just like the one he had in his hand. He went closer to it and the information popped up before him.

[Energy essence; increases energy essence by 50 permanently.

price: can only be sold in pack of dozens for 20,000 killer points].

"Wait are you saying this because you know how much killer points I have?" Tang Zhan questioned feeling scammed.

"..." But he didn't get any replies like usual, but he just shrugged his shoulders. 'Perhaps he only speaks about business alone... Who knows".

"Okay then buddy... Give me three packs of energy essence" Tang Zhan ordered after making some quick calculations in his head.

[ Special offer; buy three packs of energy essence and or one attributed energy essence, can also be infused for you

Price: 60,000 and 10,000 killer points

(Accept) (Decline)].

'seriously I would want to suspect that this guy is just one hell of a greedy trader, he's giving me things that are exactly the amount I have left".

Tang Zhan thought hard about it before he then accepted it. After accepting it, a black bead lay on his palm, wisps of dark and purple aura seeped out of the bead.

He hadn't even had time to access what he bought when a rock bed rose from underneath him, before he could even get his bearings cloth like rock strapped him down onto the bed.

The bead then levitated as a stream of fire was poured into it, the source of fire was the bed tang Zhan laid on, fire immediately caught him without hesitation.

"Arrgh!... Why! The fuck are you burning meeegrrr..." His screams rang out loud in the small cave even making echoes.

[Fire makes infusion better, the higher the fire quality, the higher the infusion effect]

'Wait a minute, fire! I've got a better fire than this' Tang Zhan thought as he gritted his teeth in pain, after all he can't afford to show weakness on front of the dealer, who knows if he might become arrogant towards him because of it.

"Hey dealer... You know (grunt) I've got a pretty high level fire than this ordinary one, so can we substitute them for a better effect" Tang Zhan said through closed teethes, with his skin already suffering a high degree of burn and his HP was continuously dropping before his eyes.

[A higher flame level might kill you, but if that's what you want, then so be it].

Immediately the dealer spoke, a portion of Tang Zhan's soul left his body in the shape of a flame, a white one.

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