Victor Blaze(1)

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*gasp*... *gasp*...

Heavy pants came out in short burst from the mouth of a young man who was running through streets and doing parkour over abandoned and spoilt cars.

The guy was running as fast as his legs could take him, the road ahead of him looked like a wreck, cars that have crashed into lamppost, different trash cans and bins littered over the once beautiful road of lekki, a place in Nigeria.

'why? why did it have to be like this?'

As the man ran, he looked behind him, and a massive horde of zombies were rushing after him, they were so much that one would mistake it for a stampede.

Running for a few more minutes, he reached a building, a bank actually. The door was open, so he didn't have to worry about breaking in, he entered without any delay.

He didn't even close the door before running up the stairs not bothering to take the elevator.

'they might also be inside there, it would be a catastrophe to be in the same place with them'

When he said 'them', he said it with a hint of fear, but when he looked at the zombies chasing after him he wasn't even in the least bit afraid instead he was angry and filled with hatred.


He ran up the stairs that were in all three floors of the bank, fortunately for him he didn't meet any zombies on the way.

On getting to the top, he entered one of the rooms and locked the door this time.

"okay, now he said in the calendar"

He looked around pulling out drawers, searching each tables that were there, but when he finally found a calendar he found four.

"four calendars, how will I know the one holding the password" He said as he took the four different calendars ignoring the zombies banging on the door.

The first calendar was a regular wall calendar, the second was a notebook calendar, the third was a flyer calendar and the fourth a tab calendar.

He took the tab first and checked it, the tab first showed the current date which was february 7tth 2046.

He zoomed out to the main calendar screen and scanned through but didn't find anything.

He picked the flyer and did the same also not finding anything, he continued for the notebook as well but to no avail.

It was when he checked the regular calendar he saw a marked date, then he remembered he saw the same in the tab as well.

The regular calendar marked out 17th, while the tab marked out 4th.

He looked at the door and saw cracks were already appearing on it, it wouldn't last long against the horde of zombies behind it.

'If not for the narrow passageway, the zombies could have used their large amount to break through.

Dropping all the calendars, he ran towards the window and pulled the louvers down, then pressing the password on a keypad that was there.

A ladder fell from the ceiling, which he climbed quickly, after entering the ceiling he pulled back the ceiling and closed the place he came from.

He searched around the wall with his hands for a switch, as the place he was in was pitch black. After few seconds he found and changed the switch to which a bulb also switched on, illuminating the dark place.

Looking around the dark place, he didn't care about the other things around only locking his eyes on the main thing that stood on the middle of it all.

"if only the amount of fuel in it could take me abroad then I wouldn't need to face another problem of getting a plane" He said as he went closer to the helicopter in front of him.

Rubbing his hands on the smooth cold surface he shivered.

"this would be my first time flying a real helicopter, but after those years of infinite experience with virtual simulation games, I don't think there would be someone else more better than me at flying a copter."

He sighed and entered the helicopter, putting on his seatbelt, he started flicking some buttons up and down which turned on the helicopter.

As the fan of the copter rolled to a great speed, he held the joystick like control of the copter and pulled backwards.

The helicopter took off, passing through a green light, after passing the light the roof of the bank opened up and the copter passed safely.

He turned the joystick right and continued on like that.

'why? why did it have to be like this?'


At the airport, people could be seen gathering around a plane, they were all trying to enter but there were some people dressed in purple pilot clothes, and they were also holding pistols.

The people trying to enter were being scanned thoroughly before being let through into the plane. Surprisingly all through around the airport there was no single zombie standing, the airport was littered with bodies of dead zombies.

Suddenly an helicopter appeared at the horizon, drawing the attention of the people at the airport.

The people in purple instantly drew their guns and aimed at the copter. The people waiting to enter the plane, also begun to panic.

They were defenseless and wanted to enter the plane because of protection, so now that a copter of unknown origin was approaching they panicked.

The copter got to them in no time, and landed safely. The fan slowing down until finally coming to a stop.

The door cracked open and a person jumped out, the person was wearing a faded blue polo shirt, black trouser, white sneakers, messy hair and bored eyes.

This was the person from earlier, that was being chased by zombies and got into a copter. The copter was used to get to the airport to catch a plane flight.

The plane was to be headed to a place where ways of survival was more assured, where weapons wasn't monopolized by the military who only had their own survival in their heads.

When the people saw it was another survivor who wanted to escape just like them, they calmed down and focused on getting in the plane.

The guy walked forward pushing through to the front of the crowd, he also wanted to pass through the guards but he was stopped.

"sir, you met others here, who do you think you are to just waltz in here and enter the plane like that" One of the guards said pointing a pistol at the young man's head.

"wait! just because you have a copter, you are acting like a boss, if you are that bossy why don't you go to safety in your copter." another man black in complexion said, he wasn't holding a gun but rather he held a baton.

"tsk! why can't things always go easy the way I like them?" the man who came in a copter murmured to himself.

"things should go your way! Do you think you are God? Who the hell are you?" the guard holding the pistol said.

The man that came in the copter slumped his shoulder down while using his hand to move some of his messy hair away from his face.

"well I am not God, my name is Victor... Victor Blaze"


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