Chapter 3: The Hat and Coat

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We got home later that night and I still haven't made the cookies yet! So as Dad went to read Charlie a bedtime story, I was busy working on cookies. Of course I had to clean the oven out because that's what dad forgot to do before we left for dinner, so I spent a good fifteen minutes cleaning the oven.

For cookies I made chocolate chip and sugar cookies with sprinkles mixed into them. Once the cookies finished baking, I left them out to cool off, then I placed a few on a Christmas themed plate and placed them on the coffee table. I also grabbed a glass of milk and placed it next to the plate.
Now, you might be asking yourself, do I believe in Santa Claus? Well, that's hard to say. I was never told there was or wasn't one until Neal came into the picture but I believe I have the right to believe whatever I want without anyone interfering with my beliefs, so I believe that there's still a chance he exists. As long as there are millions of other kids who do, so do I. Now, you may think it's childish, but is it really?

Once I finished putting out the milk and cookies, I took out some gifts I had gotten for my dad and Charlie and placed them under the tree. After that, I went upstairs and put on my pajamas. I wore extra warm and soft plaid pajamas with red and black colored patterns. I got to Charlie's room just in time before Dad finished the story, "--"With a miniature sleigh and St. Nich-- and Prancer and Dancer-- ...and to all a good night."My dad mumbled and skipped through the story, thinking Charlie was asleep. He stood up and went to leave. He saw me and shushed me but before I could say anything, Charlie's eyes fluttered.
"What's that?" Charlie asked.
"What's what?" asked my dad as he turned back around.
"A Rose Suchak ladder?"
"It's not a ladder. I said, arose such a clatter," Dad replied. "It means, eh, came a big noise."
"What?" Charlie asked, confused. Dad sighed and turned Charlie's bedroom light back on and stepped inside. I followed in right behind him.
"Charlie, arose is a word that means it came, and clatter is a big noise. Now, please, go to sleep. Shut your eyes," my dad explained as he sat down on the white chair in front of Charlie's bed and grabbed the book again and opened it.
"How do reindeer fly? They don't have any wings?" Charlie asked.
"Ooh, I want to answer this question," I said as I plopped myself down at the edge of Charlie's bed.
"The secret is in their diets," I replied.
"What about their diets make the reindeer fly?" asked Charlie.
"Well, long ago Santa and the elves discovered a special formula of reindeer food. The special formula contains a magic that helps them fly. They eat it all year long which supplies them with just enough magic for them to fly all around the world in one day," I explained.
"I thought it was one night. Not one day," Charlie said.
"Well, think about it. It's only night in one half of the world right now and it's already Christmas morning in the other half of the world. So that gives Santa a whole day. Santa is already halfway done with his deliveries," I replied.
"But, if Santa's so fat, how did he get down the chimneys?" asked Charlie.
"He sucks it in like Grandpa," dad replied as he pretended to suck in his stomach.
"But what about people who don't have fireplaces? How does he get into their house?" asked Charlie. I wanted to answer that question but dad beat me to it.
"Charlie, sometimes believing in something means you--means you just believe in it. Santa uses reindeer to fly because that's how he has to get around," Dad replied as he closed the book once more.
"He also chose reindeer because it stuck out more than using something like winged horses, a plane or a flock of birds because we've all seen that before."
"Well, no one has seen Santa and his reindeer," said Charlie.
"Have you ever seen a million dollars?" I asked. Charlie shook his head.
"Just because you haven't seen it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist," I replied. Charlie stared at me for a moment then looked at dad.
"Dad, you do believe in Santa, right?" Charlie asked.
"Of course I believe in Santa. Now, please, go to sleep," Dad told Charlie as he got up from the chair again and placed it on the dresser. I got up as dad turned off Charlie's bedroom light. "Stella?" Charlie asked. I turned around.
"Yes, Charlie?"
"Did you leave some cookies and milk out? Just in case?" Charlie asked.
"Of course I did. Goodnight Charlie."
"Goodnight, Stella."
I left Charlie's room and headed for mine. I got in my bed and turned off my bedside lamp. 

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