Chapter 10: So Close and Still So Far

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Well, it's the day of prom. It was noon and I had five and a half hours to get ready. I wanted to try and get my hair and makeup done early because I knew that I was going to mess up on both one million times before I got it right.

Well, it's three thirty now and I was still messing up. I groaned out in frustration. My dad walked into my room.
"Sweetheart, what's wrong?" my dad asked. I was staring at myself in the mirror of my vanity.
"I suck. I can't do my own hair," I groaned out in frustration.
"Why don't you go to your mom's and have her do it?" Dad asked.
"Because I'm mad at her," I replied.
"Well, sometimes we have to deal with people we don't want to deal with," Dad said.
"You still have time to get ready. Just go to her and ask for help. I'm sure she'd appreciate it," Dad told me. I groaned.
I got my things together and drove over to my mom's house. I made sure to spray the mist on my ears before I walked through the front door. My mom was in the living room with Charlie and Neal, watching tv. My mom looked my way first.
"Stella. You're home," she said as she got up. Charlie looked up and beamed at me.
"Stella!" he yelled. He got up and ran to me. I took him in my arms and kissed his cheek.
"Not for long. It's prom night and I can't get my hair to cooperate. Can you help me?" I asked, mumbling the last part.
"I'm sorry. What was that?" my mom asked.
"Can you help me get ready for prom?" I asked. My mom looked at me as if I said the best thing she's ever heard in her life.
"Yeah. Yeah. Let's go get you ready for prom," my mom said. She put an arm around my shoulder and the two of us walked upstairs to the master bathroom.
"Okay, how do you want it? She asked. I took the pamphlet out of my hand and showed it to her.
"Piece of cake. Let's do it," my mom said.
I don't know why but, once she started working on my hair, Slipping Through my Fingers by Abba played in my head.
She finished doing my hair then helped me with my makeup. Since my dress was periwinkle, she did a combination of blue and silver. I didn't do anything with my skin because I liked the sparkles on my face and the magic of elf transformation made my skin ten times more clear. And for lips I did a simple lip gloss that tasted of cranberry. I then put on the dress and heels for the finishing touch.
I went downstairs to show mom, Neil and Charlie the final result.

"Oh, honey. You look beautiful," mom said.
"She looks like a princess," Charlie said. I smiled.
"Yeah, you look nice, Stella," Neal told me. Mom then got out her camera and started to take pictures of me on the staircase.
"Is your date going to pick you up?" mom asked.
"Uh, no. I don't have a date," I told her.
"What? Why not?" my mom asked.
"Yeah. You could've asked Bernard," Charlie told me.
"Because, mom. Dates at prom are overrated. I gotta go. Thanks for the make over," I briskly told her before I left the house and got back in my car. 

I made it to the venue and got out of my car. I was on the prom committee so I was in charge of collecting tickets and such. Once everyone on the list checked in and gave us their tickets, me and the rest of the prom committee members headed inside the venue. We were lucky enough that we were able to afford the place, let alone having decorations for the theme. The theme for this year was Night of the Stars, which was basically like a movie star theme crossed with actual stars. I can't really explain it, but that's the best way I can.

Considering I didn't have a date, I decided to go to the two girls I considered as friends. Ariana and Jade. Ariana and Jade were both a year younger than I was. Ariana is bubbly and cheerful. She was obsessed with red and wore a red dress that fell to the floor. Jade was bit more of a grumpier person. I guess you can say they represented both sides of my personality. 
"So, Stella. Where's your date?" asked Ariana. 
"Ew, why would she have a date?" asked Jade before she took a sip of punch. 
"Jade's right. Dates are overrated," I said with a shrug.  Just then, a slow song came on and Ariana and Jade went to their partners to slow dance. I looked down and tried to distract myself from the loneliness I felt and saw my necklace that Bernard gave me. I thought for a moment before I tapped the necklace twice. It didn't seem to work so I excused myself to the bathroom so I didn't have to see anyone being so mushy with each other. I leaned over the sink and stared at myself in the mirror. I looked great! But, I kind of feel like I wasted money to go to something I wouldn't even have fun at. I sighed. I wasn't sure if I wanted to go back out there. I shook off those thoughts and thought, screw it. I'm going to go out there and have fun even if there's no one to have fun with.
I left the bathroom and was startled when a figure appeared right in front of me.
"Cheese and rice!" I yelled as I placed a hand on my pounding heart. My eyes focused for a moment and there stood Bernard in a tuxedo.
"Bella Stella, you look absolutely stunning," Bernard told me.
"Thanks?" I said, almost like it was a question. "You look nice too," I looked him up and down.
"Thanks. Uh, look. I saw that you weren't having much fun and no one should not have fun at a school dance, so I was able to get the night off for a couple hours and was wondering if you wanted to spend the rest of that time with me," Bernard told me as he placed his hands behind his back and looked at me. I thought for a moment.
"Well, I guess it would be nice," I said, nervously. Bernard then extended his arm to me.
"Well, then. Shall we?"
I nodded and took his arm. He led me back to the ballroom and a slow song started playing . Bernard led me to the dance floor and he placed one arm on my waist and the other in my hand. I placed my free hand on his shoulder and he started to waltz me around the ballroom. I felt so caught up in the moment I didn't feel the need to ask him how he knew how to dance. The only reason I knew how was because dad used to waltz me around the living room when I was little before Charlie was born. As we danced, the lyrics of the song that played, echoed in my head.

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