The Santa Clause 2 Bloopers

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*Cut to a small compilation of Tim yelling Weigman *

*Cut to another compilation of Tim messing with the marker*

*ANNNND Another compilation of Tim as Toy Santa repeatedly saying "You Idiot"*

*Cut to Tim as Toy Santa breaking the head off of the small toy soldier on the conveyor belt of the Pantograph*

"It's SHOWTIME!" Tim as Toy Santa yelled as he placed the toy soldier on the conveyor belt. The head of the toy soldier tilts to the left. "Let her go–wait a minute," Tim said as he tried to fix the head but ended up taking the whole head off. "Oh!" Tim exclaimed before he tried to reinsert the head to the body. "Hold on!" Tim shouted as he continuously tried to put the head back on. "Good night!" Tim told the toy soldier. "Alright," Tim said as placed the head a few inches above the body. "Give it your best shot," Tim as Toy Santa said as the head started to roll down. Tim grabbed it and tried to put the head back on again. "Hold on," he said again. He then picked up the doll and tried to put the head back on. "I'm sure it goes in here. The elves never make mistakes. Come on," Tim as Toy Santa said as he tried putting the toy soldier back on the conveyor belt, but the head came off again. "Heads up," Time said. "Heads up. Come on, son. Give it your best. Do your best! Bigger! Improv it! Don't lose it! Keep the energy!"
The head of the toy soldier tilted to the side, which finally made Tim break character and laugh

*Cut to a small compilation of the cast and crew messing around on set, which includes Tim riding Chet, Eric messing up and making a face, Tim messing with his fingers in front of the camera, David pretending to pick his nose then trying to put it in his mouth but Valerie grabbed his pinky and put it her mouth instead, which made Spencer laugh. Tim's stunt double with a lock through his nose like a septum piercing, Michael Lembeck doing a spit take, fake snow getting all over Elizabeth and Tim in the sleigh, Judge getting out of his chair and bolting towards the door, Michael running through the reindeer stables as if he's getting chased, Michael again running across the hallway of Charlie's school, Eric running into the doorway of the house and laughing and running back again, a toy soldier covered in silly string falling back and almost hitting a kid, Tim trying to get the horses to pull the sleigh, David, Spencer and Valerie dancing on camera and Eric and Danielle (Abby) on the ropes*

*Cut to Tim as Scott showing Eric as Charlie the watch*

"I'm out of time," Tim as Scott said. "It's back to zero–it's over to zero–it's on zero–there's a zero involved. Michael and the crew started laughing. "You know," Tim started to say.
"Oh, so close!" Eric yelled.
"Think about the Olympic teams, can we? For a moment," Tim said, which made everyone laugh.

*Cut to Tim in the control room in the opening scene, messing with the telescope*

"Oh, sorry. Everything fell apart," Tim said as he messed with the handles of the telescope even more.

*Cut to Tim in the park for his after his interaction with Pamela*

"You cost me Pamela," Tim as Scott said right before he looked at the watch. He then realized his mistake. "Look at the watch, then say the line," he said out loud. "Look at the watch! And then–"

*Cut to when Bernard and Curtis are arguing and Stella is supposed to grab their ears*

"No! You tell her! You're her boyfriend," Spencer as Curtis said mockingly. Valerie as Stella groaned and grabbed their ears and accidentally yanked on them which caused both of their ears to fall off.
"Ow!" David and Spencer yelled in unison. Valerie held up the ears in shock.
"Stand by!" Michael yelled. Valerie then smirked and started to run around the set holding the ears in her hands as she laughed maniacally. Michael then started to chase her around to get the ears back.

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