Chapter 13: Returning for Santa

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Over the course of my training periods, I've learned that I could basically do almost anything with my powers as long as it was used for good. I was able to make it snow anywhere I wanted, I was able to use my magic to decorate a room with Christmas decorations. I was able to make things appear in my hand. My magic had a silvery white aura. But, that's all my light magic. I also have defensive magic as well. I'm not sure what for but Bernard said it could come in handy.

So the day of training for my defensive magic, I was taken back to the site where I first started my training. There was only a slight change. There were targets set up in place of the golden rings that were there before. I was placed several yards away from the targets.
"Bernard, I really don't understand what the defensive magic would be for. I thought the gift of my magic was to make Christmas, you know, magical," I said. Bernard chuckled nervously.
"Well, there are certain dangers that the North Pole faces at times," Bernard replied.
"Dangers? Like what?" I asked with a gulp.
"Well, sometimes helicopters fly over the pole to search for oil," Bernard replied. "I'll go over the procedures for that later. There's also um, well..."
"--Well, what?" I asked.
"Ther sner qurn," Bernard muttered.
"I'm sorry, the what?" I asked.
Bernard sighed. "The Snow Queen," Bernard replied.
"The Snow Queen? Like as in the woman who causes a snowstorm of glass shards that make you hateful type of Snow Queen?" I asked.
"Yes. She's been after the power of Bethlehem for a long time now. And ever since you made your first charge of power, she knows you're here. And she'll come after you," Bernard replied.
"Well, that's new to the job description," I said as I crossed my arms and gave Bernard an unamused look.
"On the bright side, she can't touch you here," Bernard said. "As long as you're in the pole, you can't be touched," Bernard said.
"Okay, so what about my job as Santa's Assistant? That requires me to leave the pole and what about my recharge days? Or what if one day I want to visit family? What then? How will know I'll  be safe? How will my family or all the young kids my dad and I will visit? What about them?" I asked.
"Exactly why we're teaching you defensive magic," Bernard said, matter-of-factly.
"Okay, now, Stella. Look out at those targets. Choose one and think of any type of defense weapon," Bernard told me. I nodded and looked out at the targets. I chose the one in the middle and thought of a spear. Just then, a spear made of ice started to form in my hand.
"Good, now throw it," Bernard told me.
"But, I can't aim. I can't even beat my six year old brother in a Nerf gun battle," I told him.
"Just look at where you want to throw the spear and just chuck it. Trust me," Bernard said. I looked into his eyes and he seemed pretty confident. I took a deep breath and stared out at the target. I took my spear and just threw it while looking at where I wanted to strike. I hit the middle of the target!
"Good job, Stells!" Bernard cheered. I looked back at him.
"I did it!" I yelled, triumphantly.
"See? What did I tell ya? Now, let's try something a little different," Bernard said. "Now choose a different target," He told me. I chose the one on the far left side.
"Okay, now hold your hand out in front of you."
"Like Iron Man?" I asked.
"Yes, like Iron Man," Bernard said with a chuckle. I stuck my hand out in front of my like Iron Man. "Great. Now aim your hand where you want to hit the target and allow the power to travel to your hand," Bernard replied. I nodded and kind of wriggled my hand as a way to put the power into my hand. My hand then started to glow white and I kept my eye on the target. I then pushed my hand slightly forward and a white orb shot out from my hand and hit the target.
"Whoa," I said in awe. I looked at my hand as if it had grown another three fingers.
"Now, that'll be useful if she pulls a quick one on you," Bernard said. "She's fast and slick and you might need to use both a physical weapon and your orbs," Bernard told me. He then cupped his hands and yelled "Can we get a moving target out here?" asked Bernard.
"Moving target?" I asked, confused. Just then Kenny and a few others from E.L.F.S. replaced the normal looking targets with a target that looked like an actual person.
"Don't you think this is kinda graphic for a child-friendly environment?" I asked Bernard once Kenny and the others finished placing down the target.
"Not when it comes to the safety of the North Pole," Bernard replied. "Now, make a weapon and keep an orb at hand, then charge!" Bernard told me. I sighed and made another spear of ice. I created another orb using the same strategy I used last time.
"Good. Now CHARGE!" Bernard yelled. I hesitated at first then ran straight at the targets. At first I tried stabbing the target with my spear, but the target knocked it out of my hand and took it as its own weapon.
"Hey!" I yelled at the target. I backed up a few steps and threw the orb at the target. It blocked it with the spear it stole from me.
"Oh, you wanna play that game?" I asked the target. I held my hand out beside me and made another spear made of ice. "So be it!" I yelled. A sudden instinct came over at me and I charged at the target and fought with it. It almost felt like one of those sword fights in pirate movies. I got gashed a few times. Once on the cheek, and a couple on my arms but it didn't hurt that bad.
At one point during our fight, the target hit me in the stomach with the side of the spear and I was thrown aback. I heard an echo of gasps and looked around. Almost the entirety of the elf population was watching me. I didn't want to let them down so I recovered quickly and stood up. I created another orb in my hand and charged at the target. I fought one-handed with the spear and fought hard like my life depended on it. I caused the target to lose balance and then knocked it out with my orb that I had been keeping in my free hand. The target broke and cheers echoed throughout the Pole. I got up off my knees and looked around. Everyone was cheering for me. I felt pride and joy that I had just beaten a toy target. I smiled and pumped my fist in the air triumphantly, which made the elves cheer louder. I looked over to where Bernard was and he had started to walk towards me.
"Outstanding work, Bella Stella!" he yelled and hugged me which caused a few awes to echo around us.
"Not too bad for a beginner, huh?" I asked. Bernard shook his head.
"That was immaculate. Let's get you cleaned up," Bernard said as he put an arm around me and took me inside to the elf hospital where my cuts were taken care of.
"I'm sure with just a few more months of training, you'll be unbeatable," Bernard said as Dr. Hismus finished up wrapping my wounds.
"You think so?" I asked. Bernard nodded. "Do you think I can get a description of what she looks like so I know exactly who I'm up against," I said as I hopped off the hospital bed that was two sizes too small for me.
"She's kinda hard to miss. She usually wears a white cloak. Her eyes are an icy blue and her hair is as shiny as gold," Bernard replied.
"So basically I'm looking for a barbie doll in a white cloak," I said as the two of us walked out of the infirmary.
"An older looking barbie, but yes," Bernard replied.
"Got it," I said with a bland smile that showed my teeth and a thumbs up.
"Wanna do some more training or do you want to do something more subtle," Bernard asked.
"Subtle sounds good," I replied. "Ooh, can we bake?" I asked.
"Sure," Bernard replied.
"Yay!" I said with a little hop. I grabbed Bernard's hand and rushed us over to the kitchen. 

My Christmas Star ( A Santa Clause Story Ft Bernard x OC)Where stories live. Discover now