Chapter 5: The Miracles

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"--Stella? Stella?! STELLA!"
Stella burst awake with a gasp.
"Wh-wha-what happened?" Stella stuttered as she sat up and faced Bernard, Dr. Hismus and her two friends. "Where did Mama, Nana and Papa go? They didn't leave, did they?" Stella asked in a panic.
"No, Stella. They just went to find Sant–Scott," Bernard corrected himself. Stella sighed in relief.
"Thanks to these smelling cookies, I woke you up," Dr. Hismus said as he held up a gingerbread man cookie. Stella snatched the cookie and took a bite out of it.
"Are you okay, girl? What happened?" asked Jade, who was on Stella's left side on the couch.
"I don't know. I passed out and the next thing I know, I see headlights, a bridge and then total darkness..." Stella trailed after she swallowed a bite of the cookie..
"That sounds scary," Ariana said, sympathetically.
"You have nothing to worry about, Stells. We're all here and so are you," Bernard said. He and Jade then helped Stella up. They then left the office to find Scott, Bud and Sylvia.

Meanwhile, Scott found Carol, Bud and Sylvia walking through the courtyard as he had just returned from the alternate reality with Jack.
"Carol. Carol!" Scott called before he ran over towards them.
"Well, that didn't work out the way I hoped," Jack said to himself as he held the snow globe.
"Carol," Scott said as he ran to her, chuckling. Carol turned her head towards Scott.
"Oh, Scott," Carol said, relieved as she broke away from her parents. "We've been looking everywhere for you."
"Come here," Scott said as he opened his arms to his wife. The two embraced. "Oh, Mrs. Clause. I missed you," Scott said, quietly as he hugged his wife tightly. "I missed you so much. So much."
"Wait, it's just been a few minutes," Carol said as Scott broke the hug. Scott's eyes widened and he looked around.
"It's only been a few minutes?" Scott asked.
"Yes," Carol nodded. Scott laughed.
"Of course it's only been a few minutes," Scott said happily. "It only takes a few minutes to see the truth of an entire lifetime."
"I don't understand," Carol said to Scott.
"A man goes out into the world and expects his dreams to come true, and then–" Scott looked over and waved at Bud and Sylvia. "-And then the unexpected happens," Scott said once he turned back to Carol. "You pick up a red coat and become Santa Claus. That's big. That's huge."
"Yeah," Carol whispered.
"And it's a lot of pressure. I mean taking care of all the children of the world and the elves and the SOS and the North Pole but he loses sight of what's really important: A woman falls in love with him and gives him a baby," Scott said as he knelt down and kissed Carol's belly. "And his daughter falls in love and gives him grandkids. Speaking of which–" Scott looked around.
"Oh, Scott. That's one of the reasons why we came to find you. You see–"
"--I'm fine, everyone!" came Stella's voice as Scott, Carol, Bud and Sylvia looked over to see Stella with her arms linked with Bernard and Jade who had Ariana on Jade's free arm.
"What happened?" asked Scott.
"Oh, she just fainted. She seems okay, now," Carol replied. Scott sighed in relief.
"I love being Santa Claus and I love you," Scott whispered to Carol.
"I love you too," Carol whispered back. "Have you been drinking cocoa?" she asked.
"No," Scott replied, happily. "I'm back," he told her. Carol put her hands over her mouth with tears of joy.
"I've missed you very much," Carol told her husband before he embraced her again.
"Hey, you guys know what happened?" Scott asked as he approached the inlaws, Stella, Bernard, and the two girls.
"No," Bud replied.
"We ticked each other off. That's it," Scott replied. "Just like families all over the world are doing on Christmas Eve that love each other. Ticking each other off. And it's okay. 'Cause we don't have to be perfect to be good families. We just have to be together," Scott told them as he put his arm around Carol.
"I'm still so very sorry that we just added to all this pressure that you're under," Sylvia told Scott. "And I think we should apologize. Don't you, honey?" Sylvia asked Bud.
"No, it's good I'm tough on him. I'm his father in-law. It's my job," Bud replied. Scott smiled and exchanged looks with Carol.
"Yes. As long as you promise to do it every Christmas. It's fine with me," Scott told Bud.
"Well, we'll see. I'm a very busy guy," Bud replied.
"And so am I. And I think it's time that Stella and I show you all what we do," Scott said as he looked over at Stella. She looked over at her friends who looked at her excitedly. She looked back at her father and nodded.
"No, Scott .The SOS," Carol whispered.
"The SOS is about secrets and secrets aren't for family, and I'm tired of keeping you both away from family" Scott said to Carol and his daughter.
"Wait, so you consider us family?" Jade asked. Scott nodded.
"Of course. You are my babies' godmothers after all," Stella said with a smile. Jade and Ariana looked over at Stella in shock.
"Wait, are you serious?" Ariana squealed. Stella nodded. The two girls squealed and embraced Stella.
"Alright, so if you all would follow us to the factory," Scott said as he, Stella and Bernard led the in-laws and the future godmothers to the workshop. Stella and Scott exchanged nods before they both opened the doors to the workshop. Bud, Sylvia, Ariana and Jade looked around in amazement as Scott spoke up to the elves.
"Elves?" Scott called.
"Elves! Stop working for a minute," Stella called. The elves stopped working and faced Scott.
"We'd like you all to say hello to the in-laws and the future godmothers of Stella's children," Scott announced.
"Hello in-laws and godmothers," the elves said in unison.
"Wait a minute, did they just say elves?" Jade questioned.
"Hello," Sylvia said with a chuckle.
"How're you doin'?" Bud said, awkwardly.
"Uh, hi," said Ariana.
"Sup?" said Jade. The elves continued working.
"Elves," said Bud.
"Oh my," Sylvia giggled.
"They're not little Canadians," said Jade.
"They're elves," said Ariana.
"Never said, like in person–" said Sylvia.
"--Listen. If they're elves, this is not a toy factory. This is..."
"Oh my god are we at Santa's workshop?" Ariana fangirled.
"And if this is probably Santa's workshop. And if this is Santa's workshop–" said Bud.
"If this is Santa's workshop..." Sylvia repeated.
"Then that means..." said Jade.
"He's the guy," Bud said.
"And she's..." Jade said as he and Bud gestured over to Scott and Stella who were now in their iconic red and green outfits.
"Hey,'re the guy. You're father Christmas," Bud said as Scott and Stella turned their attention back to their family.
"And're..." Ariana stammered.
"--Christmas Spirit Herself?" Jade questioned.
"It's a little freaky, but you'll get used to it," Scott said with a smirk.
"Whoa," Bud exclaimed.
"Our bestie is a celebrity," Ariana squealed. The four of them continued to freak out for a moment.
"If you're Father Christmas, that means Father Christmas' Father in-law. That means I'm...I'm Father-in-Law Christmas!" Bud exclaimed.
"And I'm Mother-In-Law Christmas," Sylvia said happily. Scott nodded.
"And we're Godmother spirits!" Ariana said. Stella smiled.
"--Hi Santa! Hi Stella!" came a voice. Scott and Stella turned around to see Easter Bunny pushing a cart full of toys. "Hi Bud!" Easter Bunny exclaimed to Bud. "Sylvia," Easter Bunny said, flirtatiously. "Good to see you, Ariana and Jade," Easter Bunny nodded to the two girls. The four of them were absolutely flabbergasted. "Oh, the little pellets behind me? I'll clean those up later," Easter Bunny said as he continued hopping.
"Santa, Stella," Cupid said as he flew into view from upwards. "Where do you keep the Phillips screwdrivers?" he asked.
"Elf construction," Stella replied.
"Talk to Irv, okay," Santa replied. Cupid flew upwards and Stella cringed and looked away.
"Oh, oh. Cupid! Santa called. Cupid flew back down. "At this altitude, you might want to consider an under diaper," Santa said as he gave Cupid a look.
"I don't mind the draft," Cupid said before he flew upwards again. Stella looked back over and sighed in relief.
"I did not need to see any of that," Stella said with a groan.
"That was Cupid," Bud said as he pointed upwards.
"--Hello Santa," came the voice of Father Time. They looked over to see Father time throwing up a peace sign.
"Father Time," Scott told Bud.
"Father Time. What next?" Bud asked, excitedly.
"Well, hello Santa and Stella," came the voice of Mother Nature. "This is a blast," she said as she walked over to Santa and Stella.
"Whoa, girl. Where did you get that dress and where can I find one?" asked Ariana.
"Mother Nature," Scott told Bud.
"How can we ever thank you for this?" Stella asked as Mother Nature smiled at her.
"Oh, don't thank me. He's the one who brought us here," Mother Nature smiled as she gestured over to Charlie who was sitting at a workbench with Tooth Fairy and Sandman.
"Hey, Dad! Hi Stella," Charlie yelled over from the workbench.
"Charlie!" Stella and Scott exclaimed.
"Hi Santa! Hi Stella," Tooth Fairy waved.
"Hey, Tooth," Stella greeted.
"Hi guys," Sandman said with a yawn.
"Sandy," Scott greeted.
"Out of my way! Pregnant lady coming through," Stella said as she pushed her way over to Charlie and hugged him from behind.
"How in the world did you get here?" she asked her brother.
"I checked in with Curtis and found out you were behind, so I decided to call the professionals," Charlie replied. Stella chuckled.
"You were always the sharpest tool in the shed," Stella said as she rested her chin on Charlie's head.
"--UNCLE SCOTT!" Lucy screamed. Stella and Charlie looked up to see Lucy and Curtis with distressed looks on their faces.
"Lucy, what's happened?" Scott asked and Stella made their way to her.
"I found her locked in a closet," Curtis said.
"What's wrong?" asked Scott.
"You've got to see what Frost did to my Mom and Dad," Lucy stressed as two elves brought in a frozen Laura and Neil. Charlie came right up next to Stella and the two of them put a hand on Lucy's shoulder. Stella did all she could to hold in her anger. Bernard, who stood by her other side, put a hand on her shoulder to try and keep her calm.
"It's gonna be okay," Scott told Lucy.
Just then, two elficiers came in through the double doors with Jack in their custody. Stella walked away from Lucy, Charlie and Bernard and approached Frost alongside her father.
"Ow," Jack said loudly. The elficer on his right looked up at him with a stern face before looking back down. Scott and Stella walked up to him.
"Yeah. And?" asked Jack.
"Elficers, we have him," Stella told the two cops. The elficers let him go, leaving Frost to face a very angry and pregnant woman and Scott, who was already at his last straw with him.
"Jack, this isn't funny. Unfreeze the parents right now," Scott said sternly.
"No way, Claus," Frost shook his head. "I can't unfreeze them without unfreezing myself, and that is something I'll never do," Jack told them. Stella glared at Jack with cold eyes full of venom. Scott walked away.
"Mother Nature, help me out here. Can you thaw him out?" Scott asked Mother Nature.
"I'm sorry, Santa. Our powers don't work on other legendary figures," Mother Nature replied.
"Isn't that a shame?" Jack asked with a sly look and a chuckle.
"Then why don't we expel him for good, then he won't be a legendary figure anymore, we thaw him out, my mom and stepdad are thawed, end of story," Stella suggested. "Or I can just punch his lights out," Stella said as she lifted her fist and literal steam started to come out of her ears, which were now pointy.
"--Wait a minute, Stella," Scott told his daughter. Stella turned around and saw her father looking at Lucy. Scott then walked over to Lucy, knelt down to her and gave her a look.
"What do you say, Luce?" he asked her.
"Do you think it'll work?" Lucy asked her uncle. Scott pursed his lips.
"The question is: Do you?" he asked. Lucy looked up at Scott and gave him a small smile. She looked over towards Jack who gave her a challenging look. Lucy looked back at Scott, looked down at the special snow globe that Scott gave her then handed it over to him. Scott smiled and took the snow globe. Stella stepped aside as Lucy made her way over to Jack, whoc chuckled.
"Okay. This is what you're reduced to?" Jack questioned as Lucy looked up at him calmly smiling at him with her eyes. "Sending a little girl in to save the day, are we?" Jack questioned. "What are you gonna do? Adorablize me? Sweet me into submission? Cute me to death? Make me change my WAY!" Jack exclaimed as Lucy wrapped her arms around him. "Hey," Jack said calmly as his coat started to crack through and his cheeks started to turn pink. "I feel so strange. It's so gushy inside," Jack said before he made a gargling noise. Everyone stared at him in shock. "Do I smell suntan lotion? I feel so tropical. Miguel dos platos de nachos por favor–WHAT'S HAPPENING TO ME?!" he yelled. Lucy looked up and loosened the embrace.
"I'm warming your heart," Lucy replied as Jack's frozen blue suit chipped off, revealing a white suit.
"But they told me it could never be done," Jack replied. Lucy shook her head.
"But they didn't know about magical hugs," Lucy replied.
"And it looks like holiday magic runs in the family," Stella said as she smirked and crossed her arms.
"I think I like it," Jack said with a smile as his new form took place. His hair was now brown instead of white, his eyebrows matched his hair and his skin had more color and the his new blue suit was now melted off into the pure white one. Everyone exchanged smiles just as the two ice statues started to break and chip away. Laura and Neil shivered as the ice broke away. Neil saw Charlie first and hugged him. Stella took Lucy's hand.
"Mom, Dad!" Lucy exclaimed.
"Lucy! Stella!" Laura exclaimed as the two girls hurried over towards them.
"Mom, Dad!" Lucy screamed happily as the two girls embraced their mom and joined for a group hug.
"GROUP HUG!" Neil yelled. Everyone joined in. Bernard was on Stella's free side joined by Ariana and Jade.
"Feel the love," Neil said with a smile.
"Stella!" came a voice. Stella turned around and saw that Noel and Bettie were behind her.
"Yes, Noel?" Stella replied.
"I'm ready. In fact, I've never felt more ready in my entire life," Noel said. Stella looked down at him and smiled. She was about to say something until.

My Christmas Star ( A Santa Clause Story Ft Bernard x OC)Where stories live. Discover now