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"So, Harry, why are you single?" Emma questions, planting herself in between Harry and I on the sofa, bringing our blanket up to cover her. Harry turns to his right to face me. 

"I'm getting a serious sense of déjà vu," Harry whispers behind Emma, making me giggle.

"What?" Emma asks, frantically turning from side-to-side to figure out whats going on. 

"Nothing," I reply, dismissing her.

"Just didn't work out last time," Harry admits, looking away immediately after, I assume to hide his embarrassed expression. He doesn't succeed as I manage to catch a glimpse of his now flushed cheeks. 

"Ah, I see. Sorry about that, mate," Emma apologises, wrapping an arm around Harry's shoulder and patting his back. I don't know how it's possible, but Harry looks even more embarrassed than he did before.

"So, when are you planning on asking Y/N out?" Emma asks, looking Harry dead in the eye. The smile that was previously on my face has vanished and the room is eerily quiet, only the sound of the TV can be heard. Harry slowly turns to face the front, looking at the ground.

"Emma," I say, rather sternly. I'm not in the mood for this today.

"What?" She asks, raising her hands up to prove her innocence.

"Don't, not today," I reply, my voice harsh and raspy.

"Why not? Are you already dating?" She asks, standing up and turning to face us. I briefly glance at Harry who's eyes haven't left the floor.

"No," I admit.

"Well then, what the fuck are you?" Emma asks, her words piercing my ears.

I go to answer her, opening my mouth to begin, but nothing comes out. I begin to feel a now familiar sense of shame overcome me as I realise I don't actually know the answer. Emma's face now adopts a look of sympathy as she lets out a deep sigh. We all sit in silence for a while, all of us desperately trying to think of what to say to ease the tension in the room.

"Sorry, it's not my place to say," Emma finally says, breaking the silence but not the tension.

"Yeah, it wasn't," Harry mutters under his breath.

"What?" I ask, my eyes piercing him like daggers.

"It wasn't her place to say, she's right," Harry responds, seeming to have found his confidence as he speaks louder than before. I can feel my body heat up.

"Yeah she is, she's right about everything. What the fuck are we, Harry?" I ask, standing up and turning to face him still on the couch.

"What?" Harry chuckles before seeing my serious expression.

"You heard me, what are we?" I ask, beginning to feel quite emotional, "Am I not good enough, is that it?" I ask before giving him a chance to respond to my first question.

"What? No, of course that's not it!" Harry argues back before turning to look at Emma. Emma seems to take the hint from Harry and glances at us both before heading towards her room, making eye contact with me before shutting the door.

"Then what is it?" I return my attention to Harry, "I'm not asking a particularly difficult question!" I continue, raising my voice.

Harry looks almost frightened, looking me dead in the eye before standing up and making his way over to me.


A/N: Hey, lil bit of a longer chapter this time! Hope you all are enjoying the story so far. If you can please leave a vote, it helps a lot! Take care xx

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