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In my opinion, mornings are the best time of day. It's quiet, peaceful and in the summer months only the songs of birds can be heard. Unless you're like me and live in London - a city that doesn't sleep.

For some strange reason, it's quiet. In fact it's so quiet you could hear a pin drop. As I lay in Harry's arms my eyes find the window, watching the birds play together in the sky, so blissfully unaware of horrors of the world around them. Behind me Harry stirs in his sleep, shifting the bed slightly as he turns to spoon me.

"Mmph, you're up early," He groans in his deep, morning voice, lifting an arm to bring the duvet closer to us and playing with a strand of my hair. I groan back as Harry lifts his head and I turn mine to meet him.

"You alright, Y/N?" He asks against my skin, the sensation tickling me. I nod before turning back to face the window. I can't even form a sentence. I can feel the undeniable urge to cry and scream as he asks me the simplest of questions, as if nothing is wrong, as if I was none the wiser.

With Harry, I am everything I want to be. He makes me happy, confident, excited. With him, I'm me. I don't want this to end. I don't want to lose us. I don't want to lose him. I can't help but contemplate as I watch the world go by outside. So still yet so busy all at once. My heart begins to feel as if it's about to pound out of my chest when I think I know what I need to do. My hand running across his arm, feeling the soft texture as I feel a tear run gently down my face before dripping onto the pillow.

"I know..." I whisper, my eyes never leaving the window as Harry shifts to hover over me. I can't tell if he knows what I mean, or if he even heard me right as I can feel his gaze upon me.

"...What?" He asks, his voice filled with serious and genuine concern.

"I know, Harry," I say, finally plucking up the courage to face him as more tears fall from my eyes onto the pillow behind me. Harry doesn't say anything. He doesn't move, doesn't blink, heck, I can't even tell if he's breathing. He says nothing.

"...I-I don't, I don- I don't..." Harry stutters in his usual Harry way. I can feel my heart shattering into a million tiny pieces, the pain spreading through my body like poison. He can't even deny it. My pain quickly shifts to anger. My blood boiling as I use every bit of willpower I have left to stop myself from strangling him.

"You know... I fucking love you, Harry," I can't withhold my emotions anymore as I begin to bawl my eyes out," I fucking love you, and you treat me like this? You throw everything we have away for...for...for her!" I scream.

"You...you love me?" Harry asks, his face going pale and his arms growing weak as he sits up. I walk to my door, swinging it open with might as I look him dead in the eye.

"Get out."


A/N: Uh oh. Harry's in the mud. Nah jk but this hurt my soul to write, I love this couple sm. I hope you enjoyed and please leave a vote!

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