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If there's one thing I can do, it's pretend nothing is wrong. I did it for years in high school with people I didn't have time for, I've done it for months with Harry, so I'll continue to do it now, especially since I have a plan to follow.

"I have to say, you look lovely," Harry smiles as he sits down his pint, slapping his thighs in his signature quirky, Harry way.

"Mmm," I hum as I'm mid sip, "So do you, I think this is the first time I've seen you in a shirt!" I jest, finishing my first cocktail of the night. 

"I-I do have something to ask though, Harold..." I begin, the smile on Harry's face disappearing as he nods his head. Shit, what am I doing?

"What's the importance of your bracelet?" I ask, leaning forward on my elbow, "I'm just wondering if I've ever seen you without it." 

"Oh, uh..." Harry stutters, his eyes moving to gaze at it as his left hand moves to fidget with it, "My, uh, my sister made it, yeah. It was years ago so I always keep it on me," He nods.

"Oh, Harold," I move my arm to rub his, "It must be hard being away from your family?" 

"I'm sure you understand?" Harry asks and I grin in agreement. We both look around the fast paced restaurant around us, every table has it's own individual conversation, constantly flowing, constantly moving, vastly different to ours.

"Can I ask another thing?" Harry's hand moves to my thigh, rubbing delicate circles scarily close to my body. He knows exactly what he's doing.

"Who did you run off to dinner with the other night?" I ask, Harry almost choking on the mouthful of beer he's drinking.

"It was with..." Harry can't seem to finish his sentence, "I, uh, probably shouldn't really tell you this, but, Vik wanted to talk about his relationship, with Ellie."

"Oh," I can't help but feel guilty. If Vik wanted me to know he would've told me and now I've just pressured Harry into confessing to me. Am I a horrible person? I can't tell anymore, "I'm sorry to hear that, I didn't mean to pry."

"Nah, it's alright, I left you in the dark about it. It's only right that you wanted answers," He comforts me, gracefully moving his hand further up my leg.


"Y/N, what are you doing?" Emma hisses as I follow Harry into my room.

"Research..." I wink, Emma rolling her eyes as she closes the door to her room.

Harry's back hits the door, the force making it shut tight as my lips attack his. I desperately grab at his shirt, undoing the buttons one by one as I make my way down his body, growing even more impatient by the second. His hands run up my body before resting on the back of my head, hanging onto the strands for dear life as he quickens the pace of the kiss. 

Once his buttons were undone I slip his shirt down his arms, being granted a sight I wish to reserve only for me. I can't help but smirk as I drag him over to my bed, straddling him as his hands unzip my dress.


A/N: Hello, Hello. Hope you liked this chapter, and I hope you're all taking care of yourselves. Stay hydrated!

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