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"Y-You're going out with him?" Freezy asks, a man once rather confident with his words now seeming timid and shy.

"But, I- I thought-"

"Mate..." Harry cuts him off before he can continue as the boys exchange a look. I note that I haven't seen Harry make this sort of face before. It's the kind of face you make when you mess up and plead with your sibling not to tell your parent. The face you make when you're begging your friend not to let spill you cheated on a test. The look of guilt.

"Well, I'll leave you two to it then," I awkwardly grin as I pat Harry's arm, now finishing my drink in one go before leaving. Fuck being tipsy, after that, I need to be flat out drunk. I find a half finished bottle of vodka and grab it before making my way upstairs, nearly finishing it before I've reached the upper landing. I groan in disgust at the burning in my throat, aimlessly wandering to find a room. I panic as all the rooms appear to be locked or occupied, for what, I'd rather not know. When I finally find the bathroom I lock the door behind me, closing the toilet before slumping down in a heap on top of it. 

The gut-wrenching feeling returns to my stomach as my heartbeat becomes so loud it's consuming me. Harry is keeping something from me. I don't know what, and I don't know why, but whatever it is it must be bad. I hold my head in my hands, almost begging the pounding in my head to show me mercy. My patience wears thin and I finish the rest of the bottle. To my surprise, my method of madness works and the noise disappears, but the feeling in my stomach remains. 

I decide I've been sulking like a teenager for too long and I should socialise, like normal people at parties. As I leave the bathroom, I notice that the door at the end of the hall is now open, only the glow of a lamp illuminating it. When I reach the door I notice someone on the bed, rubbing their temples with their hands. Freezy.

"Headache?" I ask with a smile as I make my way over to him, sitting down next to him.

"Hmm?" He asks, lifting his head only to realise it's me, "Oh, yes, yeah." We sit in silence for a moment before I decide to take my own advice and socialise.

"Sorry if it was a bit weird earlier, I didn't mean to freak you out," I chuckle.

"Nah, it's okay, I get it," He responds, dropping his hands from his head only to reveal his slightly bloodshot eyes.

"So I didn't freak you out then?" 

"No, you definitely did, but I understand," He chuckles as I can't help but smile. 

"On a totally separate note, did you see what Josh is wearing?" He jests, earning a gasp from me.

"I know! Who let him out the house in that?" We laugh together, almost losing the ability to breathe as we continue to gossip. I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy his company. When I finally calm down I turn to face him, only to be utterly shocked to see him lean in towards me.



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