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"Y/N?" My eyes shoot open as I sit up in bed with a jolt, checking the time. Have I slept in? I breathe a brief sigh of relief when I discover it's only half nine. I have to physically fight the urge to stay in my warm duvet and peel myself from the bed, putting on my slippers as I leave the room to meet Emma.

"What the fuck happened?" She asks bluntly. I have to admit, I've missed her sassy attitude around the flat for the past couple of days.

"What do you mean?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Firstly, I'm not even gonna ask why u look like that," Ouch, I can't deny I look a mess but there's no need to point it out, "Secondly, what's with the dishes in the sink?" She asks, pointing to the pile of dishes that clutter the countertop. Shit, I forgot. In my defence, I got a bit preoccupied with- "Thirdly, what the fuck is he doing here?" She deadpans, her arm moving to point at the sleeping boy on our couch. Preoccupied with him.

"Ah," I can't think of anything else to say, "Well, in my defence, there's not that many dishes," I joke, but Emma's face doesn't change.

"Alright..." I stare blankly at Emma before shoving past her and approaching the sofa, gently tugging at Harry's shoulders to waken him, "Bog, c'mon waken up," I whisper.


"So," Emma begins as I lock the door behind me, "Care to explain?" She half smirks as she sits herself down at the kitchen island.

"Listen, take it easy, alright," I sigh, rubbing my forehead back and fourth, beginning to feel an ache in the area, "He was outside the door and drunk at two in the morning, what was I supposed to do?"

"Oh, uh, I don't know, leave him there? He's not you're responsibility anymore, Y/N. I mean come on, what on earth were you thinking, like seriously?" Emma antagonises me as I move around the kitchen, her voice like piercing my body like arrows.

"Well, what if I want him to be, huh?" I snap, dropping the pan I had in my hand onto the counter with a loud clash, "What if I want him to be my responsibility? What If I can't drag myself away from him? God, what if I still love him, Emma?" I wilt like a rose as my body becomes heavy, my arms desperately gripping onto the counter for support.

"I didn't mean t-" Emma begins before changing her tune, "I just don't want him to use you, Y/N. You're too kind sometimes." She confesses, her eyebrows raising slightly out of what I can only assume is pity. I don't respond because, as much as it hurts, I admit there could be a hint of truth in her words.

"Look," She pauses, grabbing my attention, "Y/N, look at me," I do, feeling more commanded than asked, "I think the love you have for each other is truly beautiful. Love itself is a gift that's hard to find, so it's amazing that you've come across it. I can see he loves you, I really can. Even the fact that he came to you last night proves that! All I'm asking is that you make sure that you're careful and, well, just follow your heart."


A/N: Hello, Hello. Sorry if these recent chapters are, well, a bit boring, but I promise these next chapters are gonna be good! I have plans, lots of plans!

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