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It's a relatively known fact that many people find nature calming. A way to return to your roots - no pun intended - and a way to clear your mind. So, I decided to act upon this information and take a stroll in the park.

My first mistake was realised when it occurred to me that I had walked to the park Harry and I had once went to. Walking through all I can think of his Harry and the time we shared here. Similar to my life, things have changed - the leaves of the trees now a vibrant green and decorated with a pop of pink blossoms compared to the crisp, brown and orange ones that were here the last time I visited.

As I walk around the park my eyes fall from the rooftops of the trees to the bench where we sat - though to my delight it is now covered by a pretzel van. Before I know it I'm £5.50 down - expensive, I know, but this is London after all - sitting on a new bench whilst adding a picture of me and my pretzel to my instagram story. It's a cringe pose of me with the pretzel in my mouth, but I'm sure the mass of followers I've gained from sidemen fame won't mind too much.

Time goes by quickly in these kinds of peaceful places. In fact it goes by so fast, you can find yourself losing hours of your precious time, which is exactly what has happened to me. Before I know it what was planned out to be a brief morning stroll turned into a day-long fiasco. Funnily enough, I'm not made aware of this fact until the sun disappears behind the now angry clouds above and the first drop of water falls on my head. Ah, my second mistake - not checking the weather! I gather my things in a hurry, desperate to avoid the rain ruining my freshly washed hair when I come to a halt.

There he is, Harry Lewis, standing like a poor soul, absolutely drenched in rain two feet away from me, "Harry? Are you mad? What are you doing here?" I inquire.

"I just- I just..." Words seem to fail him, although, that's not exactly a rare occurrence. I'd be surprised if they worked for once!

"I just had to tell you I love you!" He almost screams. Around us the world seems to disappear; the trees, the pretzels, heck, even the rain that has soaked us both is now out of mind.

"You....love me?" I ask, almost in disbelief as for the first time I actually believe his feelings. Harry chuckles.

"Of course I do, Y/N," a smile grows on his face, "How could I not?"

"Now, I know I've been a pretty shit boyfriend... the worst, in fact! But, you have to believe me when I tell you that I really love you. I never thought I'd find someone so willing to embrace my strangeness and put up with my nonsense, but here you are. You're everything I've ever wanted and even more. In fact, you're so perfect I struggled to believe you're real..."

"I'm far from perfect, Harry..."

"You're not, you are perfection itself. I was stupid. I was, well, a fucking clown for hurting you how I did. For that reason alone I can't expect you to forgive me. Even the fact this confession is long overdue is enough for you to send me away, but you need to know... that I burn for you."

Well, it's fair to say I'm shocked. How often is it that someone confesses their love for you movie-style?

My lips. His lips. Moulded from the same clay, drawn together as if like magnets. They're impossible to keep apart. As I kiss him I'm reminded of my feelings, and more importantly, how beautifully powerful they are when I don't suppress them. His hands hold me close, as if telling me not to run away.

And I won't.

A/N: Hello! Sorry for the long, long, long wait for these chapters, I want them to be absolutely perfect for the end of this book. You all deserve nothing less. Hope you're ready for an emotional end!

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