Lieutenant And A Civilian

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July 6, 1944. The invasion of Normandy. Out of all days I have decided to approach the enemy right then. Alone, without my squad. Since the time I joined the French Resistance I have always preferred solo missions and today is no different. I have just sneaked inside the bunker and now I'm preparing explosives but suddenly a noise of falling bombs distracts me from my work. ''Seriously? Now?'' I raise my arms in irritation and look up through the loophole to see planes flying above the fortifications. There's no other choice than to retreat. I get up to run away but unfortunately, my chosen path for evacuation is already destroyed. Wooden pieces and collapsed walls make it impossible to go through it and with the persistent shelling it's even more difficult to get out of here. ''Great...'' Having a limited amount of ammo, I must be careful not to run into someone. Again and again I change the direction of my escape route whenever I notice Nazi soldiers showing up in my way, without realization that I'm actually heading toward the beach instead of the deserted village.

Running as fast as I can, I keep looking back every few seconds to check if no one follows me, so I haven't seen a man crossing my path and in a result I bump into him and fall down. Both of us reach after our guns in the same time and we start staring at each other in puzzlement. I assume that he must be more surprised than me because civilians are not supposed to be here. He lowers his gun and raises his left hand to give me a sign that he has no bad intensions. ''It's okay. I'm not gonna hurt you.'' Then he comes closer and gives me his hand to help me to stand up. ''Thanks, uh...''

''Lieutenant Joseph Turner. And you are...?'' He looks up and down at me, surely thinking that I'm a civilian.

''I'm (Y/N). The village was burnt down so I'm trying to find a new shelter.'' Even though I'm now sure that he's on my side, I have decided not to reveal my true identity yet because in some way I'm a key figure important for both sides.

''I see...'' He nods thoughtfully and then he realizes that he's still holding my hand. ''Sorry.''

''It's okay.'' His cheeks turn light pink probably just like my own. Why do I feel so nervous? It's not the first time I'm talking with a soldier.

''Lieutenant!'' A man wearing glasses comes over to us. When he notices me, he opens his mouth slightly and seems like he's forgotten what he had to say. Not sure what to do, I wave to him and smile nervously. ''Sir, I have a question.''

''Not now, Stiles. Others might be waiting for us. Let's go!'' To my surprise Turner grabs my arm to take me along with them. ''You're going with me. It's not safe for you to be on your own.''

''Okay?'' We set off to find the rest of his platoon and soon we arrive at the CCP station. There are already many wounded soldiers, mostly Turner's men. He sighs sadly and turns to me with a weak smile on his face. ''You can stay here. I'm gonna check on boys but it won't take long.'' 

Just as he is about to leave, a tall man heads in our way, obviously not happy to see me. "What the heck..."

''I'll explain it later, Pierson.'' 

''Turner, we can't take civilians with us!'' 

''Then should I leave her to die?!'' Turner's sudden shout silences Pierson at once. Feeling a cold stare on my back and I know from whom, I go after Turner. I want to be of some help so I get down next to a young man with a serious wound on his stomach, but he starts weirdly gawking at me. ''Am I in heaven?'' He raises his hand to touch my face to check if I'm his hallucination and then his vision gets clear enough to reveal broadly grinning Stiles, who leans down over him, blocking the view of me, and says: ''No, this is Normandy.''

''I think I gave him too much morphine. If it was morphine...'' - says the blond man next to me. ''By the way, I'm Daniels. And this is my friend, Zussman.''

''Daniels, you're not gonna introduce me?'' Another guy smoking a cigarette joins our little gathering.

''Ah, and this is Aiello.''

''I saw you coming together with Turner. You seem to be very close. Do you two know each other?''

''Not really, we have just met.'' I smile shyly, trying to avoid his further interrogation.

''Then why was he holding your hand?''

''Do you have a problem with something, private Aiello?'' It's Turner's voice. He shows up in time to save me from those uncomfortable questions.

''No, sir.'' 

''Then go back to your position. We have to move on but you, (Y/N), need to stay with medics. It's for your own safety.''

''I understand that you don't want to put me in danger but it would be better to take me with you guys. The thing is, I know well the surroundings over there.''

''Good that you know but we will manage on our own.'' Pierson stands between us to interrupt our talk and pushes Turner away from me.

''And I have a map with the enemy's positions marked on it. Including their supplies.'' Proudly smirking, I take out my bargaining chip, showing it high in the air.


''Turner, no.'' - growls warningly Pierson but Turner ignores him and turns back to me.

I raise my eyebrow in surprise when he reaches out his hand in my way. ''Please, give me your map.''

''I will, if you agree to my conditions.''

''I agree but under MY conditions.'' He gets closer to me and aims his gun at me.

''What are you doing?'' I keep my serious stare at him, trying to figure out his plan.

''You're under suspicion of cooperating with the enemy. That means I have to take you with us.'' 

''You don't trust me?''

''It's just...'' With his gun he lifts my chin to have a better look at my face. ''I need to keep a close eye on you, (Y/N).'' This is what I get when I start playing with fire. But it's just a beginning...

Hours of Glory (Turner x Reader)(CODWWII)Where stories live. Discover now