Siege and Succor - part I

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I've been hiding in the nearby village for two days and I already need to move on. I know I should rest and wait till my wound is completely healed but I don't have time for this, especially not when the villagers are in danger. The last Nazi soldiers who were defending the coastline are retreating in our way. They know well this village is assailable and I'm pretty sure they'll take advantage of it to get their revenge.

''Miss (Y/N)!'' Mrs Denis, the owner of the house, storms inside the room. ''Krauts are coming! Someone saw them near the old mill.''

''That's about forty minutes away from here. Dang it! They'll reach the village soon.''

''What about the villagers? They have no one else to turn for help.'' She gives me a puzzled look when I start packing my things. ''But miss (Y/N), you can't leave in that state.''

''Don't worry. I've been in a much worse state before.'' I smile bitterly at her and after taking a painkiller I quickly come downstairs, where already waits for me Rousseau's younger brother. ''Felix, have you sent the dispatch?'' It's too dangerous for me to face the enemy alone, that's why I had to ask my team for help but the chance of any kind of support arriving on time is low.

''Yes but there's still no reply. I think we've been cut off.'' So that means I'm on my own now.

''Miss (Y/N)...'' - starts saying Felix's grandmother. ''You need to run away. If they find you, it'll be over for all of us.''

I hate that feeling, the feeling of hopelessness. That's right, I'm a key figure in this brutal game but that doesn't mean I will allow anyone to make a sacrifice for me just because of it. ''I'm sorry, Mrs Denis, but I'm not gonna leave you all behind. You can tell your granddaughter Camille whatever you want about me but I won't change my mind.'' I turn around to face the rest of the group and rise my voice to get their attention. ''Listen up, everyone. We have lost contact with my team but there's still a hope. American troops are currently on the way here, so go to your shelters and wait for their help, they'll come soon.'' In this tense atmosphere I leave in a hurry to begin all needed preparations. I go to the basement, where I keep all weapons, and see that there aren't many. I shouldn't be surprised after I sent some as a gift to Turner. I look over my shoulder at Felix cleaning a rifle. ''Felix, I have a special task for you.''

The boy looks up from the rifle and I can see his eyes sparkling from excitement. ''Will I fight too?''

''Not this time.'' And he lowers his head sadly. ''I've a much more important task for you.'' I turn around and place hands on my hips before I continue explaining his new task. ''I've told you earlier where the First Platoon is. All you need to do now is to go to their camp and find lieutenant Turner. Can you do this for me?''

''Yes but do you really think he'll come?''

''I've a feeling that he won't turn a blind eye to us. I trust him.''

''What about you?''

''I've no other choice than to face the enemy alone. I'll try to hold them off for as long as I can. Don't worry, I'll be alright.'' I smile weakly at him and lightly pat his shoulder. ''Now go. Go!'' With hesitation he moves toward the exit, giving me a doubtful look, and gets on the bike, whereas I head out to the forest where I'll be awaiting the Nazi soldiers.

It didn't take me long to plant a few explosives on the road leading to the village, although I'm aware it won't stop the oncoming enemy but I hope it'll at least slow them down, and now I'm waiting on the road. I can already hear the Nazi troops stamping loudly as they march in my way. They are close. I shoot a flare into the air to lure the enemy into my trap. I hope that Turner has seen it too. Just as the first explosive has gone off, I take my rifle to load it. Let's see how many soldiers made it through.


(Turner's POV)

The weather is so nice that I've decided to do the paperwork outside the tent, but I can't concentrate on my work because of my worries about (Y/N), who left despite being seriously wounded. I lean back in my seat, staring blankly ahead. Out of nowhere a flare flies high above the pine trees and I abruptly get up when I hear a whiz followed by the echo of multiple explosions in a long distance. ''Lieutenant!'' Stiles runs in my way but he's not alone. ''There's a kid who wants to see you immediately. What should I do with him?''

''You are lieutenant Turner, right?!'' The boy comes to me and starts pulling my arm. ''You need to help us! Please!''

''Who let this brat in here?!'' - asks irritated Pierson, rushing in our way.

''Calm down and look at me, son!'' I place my hands on his shoulders to make him look straight at me. ''Now tell me, who sent you here?''

''(Y/N)...'' My heart's skipped a beat at the sound of the familiar name. ''T-The Nazis are going to the village...'' He is so shocked that he can barely talk. ''A-And (Y/N) is defending it all by herself...''

''Sir, isn't it he talking about the remaining enemy's troops?'' - asks uncertainly Stiles. ''I heard that to get revenge they plunder every village on their way, burning everything to the ground.'' 

''Everyone gear up! We're leaving! Now!'' I lean down and say to the boy: ''Don't worry, son. I will find (Y/N), I promise. Just stay here and wait for us.''

''Wait!'' - shouts Pierson, who tries to stop me. ''The orders are to stay here!''

''Pierson, krauts are coming here! It's logical that we must defend our positions!''

Pierson closes his eyes for a moment and lets out a heavy sigh. ''With all due respect, sir, but you're blindly in love. You just want to find that woman.''

''What are you talking about?'' I narrow my eyes at him but he averts my questionable look. ''I just want to protect innocent civilians. It's our duty, Pierson.''

''Yeah, yeah, it is.'' - replies sarcastically Pierson and after making sure that Turner doesn't pay attention to him anymore, he enters the tent where is the phone field. ''Connect me with Davis.'' The soldier does as he says and when Davis is already on the line, he passes him the phone. ''Sir, I think we've a spy among us. It's a woman...'' 

Hours of Glory (Turner x Reader)(CODWWII)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara