Siege And Succor - part II

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It'll take some time for Turner to come here, so until then I must maintain the defensive position for him. Just as I wished for my explosives slowed down the enemy but not for too long. Lying on my stomach, I lurk under the tree with large branches and all I can see is a thick smoke, which is gradually dispersing. Then in a short distance show up some shadows marching arm-in-arm followed by two trucks and they're all heading in my way. I spot a high-ranked officer walking among them. It must be their commander. I place my finger on the trigger and after taking a breath in and out, I shoot him in the chest. The moment the officer is killed, alarmed soldiers start running toward my hideout. I crawl back between the bushes and clutch onto my rifle, hoping that none of the Nazi soldiers will notice me. Just as I hear a rustle behind me, I try to turn back with my fist clenched, ready to give a punch, but someone presses me down to the ground before I could do anything and to prevent me from shouting he places his other hand on my mouth. ''It's me, lieutenant Turner.'' - he whispers in my ear. I can feel his warm breath on my cheek while he's lying right next to me but I can't move an inch when he's protectively holding me tightly to his body. ''Don't get up.'' His men then come out of their hideouts and open the fire. This totally has surprised the enemy, who starts to retreat.

''They're falling back! Let's finish them off!'' - shouts Pierson, giving the sign to follow him.

Everyone goes after the enemy but not Turner, who is still by my side. ''(Y/N), you should go back to the camp, especially when your arm is not healed yet.''

He's so protective of me because he still believes that I'm only a civilian. ''Turner, there's something I haven't told you. I-''

When I'm about to tell Turner my secret, Aiello suddenly interrupts me. ''Sir, krauts have surrendered!''

''Tell Pierson to wait for me! I'll be there in a minute!'' - says Turner, who next takes my hand in his own and helps me to get up. There're too many soldiers around us so I'll tell him everything later when we're alone. ''You wanted to tell me something?''

''I see that you're busy now. Maybe later...''

''Sir?'' Stiles lowers his voice not to let me hear him whispering. ''Shouldn't we send her to the HQ?''

Not averting his gaze from me, Turner says quietly: ''Take her to my tent and don't let her out.'' When he comes closer to me, he places hands on his belt, trying to look more bossy, and tilts his head. ''Stiles will take you to the camp. The boy is already waiting there for you.''

''Okay but first I need to check if the civilians are alright.''

''You don't have to worry about this. I'll send Daniels there so you can take a rest.'' The way he smiles at me makes me feel butterflies in the stomach. ''I'd come with you but I can't leave Pierson alone with war prisoners.'' He narrows his eyes when he glances at Pierson, who is already tormenting one Nazi soldier.

''Right...'' I grimace when I hear Pierson from afar using very bad words.

I obediently take a seat next to Stiles, who seems to be excited that he's gonna drive. ''See? He let me drive. I must be his favorite.'' Then in less than five minutes we arrive at the camp. ''I'll bring you some food. Can you wait for me in Turner's tent?''

''Sure.'' I carefully enter the tent and now I can have a better look at Turner's place, where everything is neat and tidy. The blanket on his cot looks like it has been just ironed, no documents are left on the desk besides one photo. I drop my jaw when I realize it's my lost photo of me when I was on a special training in London. Now I get why he suspects me, he has already found out I'm not a simple civilian.

''(Y/N)! You're back!'' Felix comes to the tent and after him Stiles, who doesn't look as happy as the kid.

''I don't know how he did it but he set Pierson's tent on fire.'' My eyes widen in shock, I know that Felix is capable of making a big mess but why out of all things it had to be Pierson's tent? ''The situation is under control now but not Pierson's cot.''

''Thank goodness nothing happened to you, Felix. What would I tell your sister if you got hurt, huh?'' No wonder Rousseau gives him harsh lectures whenever he gets himself into trouble, he's all she has now.

I hear the jeep's engine outside so I storm out of the tent, hoping to see Turner. ''Lieutenant Turner-'' But my smile quickly fades away after noticing that it's the MP officers who have just arrived.

''Are you miss (Y/N)?'' - one of them asks. I shoot him a cold glare when he gives me a mocking look. ''Where is lieutenant Turner?''

''Are you looking for me?'' Luckily, Turner has came in time.

''We came for the woman.''

''I already told Davis that I'll carry out the interrogation.''

''He has changed his mind. Now hand her over.''

Turner then stands in front of me so now I'm behind his back. ''I'll personally take her to headquarters once I'm finished interrogating her.''

''Then we have no other choice.'' Suddenly, the other MP officer grabs my arms and with force he takes me to the jeep. 

''Where are you taking me? Hey! That hurts!''

''Let her go!!'' - shouts furious Turner, who tries to help me but is stopped by several men, including Pierson. ''(Y/N)!''


''It'll be alright, (Y/N). I'll get you back, I promise.'' Turner tries to smile, but with the sorrowful look in his eyes it only makes my heart sunk. Even though the jeep drives away, I don't take my eyes off Turner, who still stands in the same spot and watches me leave. I hesitantly raise my hand and slightly wave at him.

''Can someone tell me where the hell is my cot?'' - asks loudly Pierson.

Stiles is first to walk away, in addition whistling, and soon others follow his example.

Hours of Glory (Turner x Reader)(CODWWII)Where stories live. Discover now