Back At Home

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''(Y/N)?'' - asks Turner, knocking on the door. I'm already finished putting on my clothes when he enters the room. ''I sent that bastard to the headquarters for interrogation. He won't bother you again.''

''You could've left him to the French Resistance. That cunning man is able to flee anytime.''

''Leave this matter to Davis to worry about.'' Turner wraps his arms around my waist from and in a soothing voice he adds: ''What's most important right now is that you're safe and sound.'' A sudden loud collapse outside draws our attention to the window. ''The church tower collapsed.''

''Isn't it where Pierson's team should be by now?'' - I ask worriedly.

''Dammit.'' He rapidly takes my hand and together we rush to join our fighting friends. But the moment we reach the square, the battle is already over.

(Turner's POV)

''Turner, you're late.'' - says sarcastically Pierson, approaching us at a slow pace.

''I see that you did pretty much damage to the town. Especially the church...''

''They'll build a new one.''

''According to what I've heard, it was a historic monument.''

''So what? You booked a wedding ceremony there?''

With a frown I look over my shoulder at the sergeant and reply harshly: ''Concentrate on surviving the war, sergeant, instead of looking for excuses to get yourself drunk.''

Pierson in response chuckles and mutters silently under his nose: ''Why do I have a feeling there'll be a shotgun wedding soon?''

The rest of my soldiers, visibly tired, have just come to the rally point. Stiles is first to arrive, traditionally with a question. ''Sir? Will we take a rest here?''

''Yes, we will stay in Marigny for a day or two, if Davis won't change his mind of course.''

''Good! We can finally have some sleep in normal beds.''

Grinning maliciously, Pierson glances at Stiles and says: ''Oh, I know who's going to be on watch tonight.''

Walking side by side, we soon come across Daniels and Zussman. I'm so proud of them, not only boys made it to the end but also proved my training didn't go down the drain. After what they've come through, they deserve a praise, though Pierson believes I'm too soft for them. Talking about Pierson, he is calmer than usual or maybe he's just too exhausted to nag today. 

I take a look around but I can't find (Y/N) anywhere, so I head toward the large gathering in front of the destroyed church and ask passing by private Aiello. ''Private, have you seen (Y/N)?''

''She went for a walk. Not sure why but she looked quite sad.'' 

Having the worst scenario in my mind, I elbow my way through the crowd, desperately searching for (Y/N). It didn't take too long to find her leaning against the front door of a well preserved house but my smile quickly fades away when I notice that she has been sobbing. ''(Y/N)? What happened?''

(Your POV)

''It's alright, Joseph. I'm just overjoyed about our victory. After all, my hometown was finally liberated.'' I swiftly wipe tears off my cheeks before he embraces me and gently rubs my back. ''Come with me.'' I take his hand to lead him inside the house. ''This is where I grew up. My home.'' Speechless Turner follows me as I show him around the place. ''And here is my bedroom.''


''I know, this place wasn't attended since the start of the war-''

''No, it's not that. I have never been in a woman's room before...''

''And I have never invited an armed soldier to my room.'' We both laugh and the sentimental ambiance promptly changes into more cheerful one. ''Since the guest room needs a solid renovation, you can sleep in my bed. I'll go find a blanket for you.''

When I'm about to leave, he stops me in the doorway, saying: ''There's no point in nestling down here when we might set off anytime.''

''But Davis informed me in the letter that we'll stay here for a few days. Here, take a kook.'' I hand him a letter with Davis's signature at the sight of which Turner raises his eyebrows in surprise.

''That's good news then.'' He looks up at me with a broad grin. ''I'm gonna tell boys.''

''Once you tell them, come back for dinner.''

Enthusiastic Turner in a rush goes to his squad to inform everyone about Davis's decision. 

(Turner's POV)

I feel butterflies in my stomach when I rush back to (Y/N)'s house after a quick meeting with my men. What a strange but pleasant feeling is to imagine I'm coming back home and someone is eagerly waiting there for me. Just as I open the front door, I ask happily: ''Darling?''

Warmly smiling (Y/N) walks out of the kitchen, holding some plates. ''Are you hungry, Joseph?''

''Yes, a bit..'' Admiringly gazing at (Y/N), I take off my helmet and step forward with a few flowers I picked on the way as a gift for her. ''I hope you like lilies.''

''Aww, they're beautiful. Thank you!'' She quickly puts them in a vase standing between candles and next nods at me to take a seat at the round table. ''I've made pot-au-feu, ratatouille and quiche Lorraine. Please try them.''

''Oh my gosh.'' I drop my jaw, staring at the amount of prepared food. ''Where did you get all of those ingredients?''

''I asked neighbors and my parents' friends. I wanted this dinner to be special.''

''You mean a date?'' - I ask with a smirk.

''Well, call it whatever you want.'' Her heavily blushing face makes me chuckle. ''Let's dig in since it's warm.''

''Right.'' I try the soup first and I swear it's the best one I've ever eaten. ''Mhm!'' (Y/N) tilts her head in confusion but says nothing. ''It's so delicious.''

''Joseph, it's just a soup.'' (Y/N) watches in disbelief as I empty the bowl in a few seconds and start devouring the next dish with a hearty appetite. ''You haven't eaten a homemade food for too long, huh?''

(Your POV)

The sight of Turner eating hurriedly as if he hasn't had a single piece of food in his mouth for days makes me kind of sad. I pour some tea in his cup and give him a second helping of ratatouille. Once we finish the meal in a flash, I go to prepare the bed for Turner, who is now busy taking a shower. While I'm spreading the blanket on the bed, shirtless Turner with only a towel wrapped around his waist comes in to rummage in his backpack. ''I left my razor somewhere.'' - he mutters. ''Oh, here it is.'' He sends me a brief smile before quickly leaving, not paying attention to the fact that I'm taken aback by the view - his bare muscular torso with a dog tag glistening on it. I guess because of tiredness I'm getting easily distracted, so to relax a bit I decide to take a bath. But even it can't help me stop thinking about Turner. So I go to check on Turner, who surprises me with a hug from behind. ''(Y/N), let's pretend today there's no war and we live happy lives without worries.'' When I turn around to face him, his dry lips link with mine in a passionate kiss I cannot resist. I feel him picking me up to next put mu down on the bed's edge. ''(Y/N), I love you...'' 

''I love you too, Joseph.'' I embrace him tightly as we lie down, cuddling each other.

Hours of Glory (Turner x Reader)(CODWWII)Where stories live. Discover now