Foe Or Friend

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I have came here to infiltrate the enemy's camp and do some damages on the way. However, some things have messed up a little, so my new plan for now is to stick with the First Platoon as my temporal escort and then quietly leave unnoticeably.

Turner gets down on one knee so do I. ''Can you show me your map now?''

''Sure.'' I hand it over to him and he quickly scans the large piece of paper. I wouldn't show my documents to anyone but for him I'll make an exception. But there's one thing about him I don't get. Why is he so kind to me when I'm being suspected of working for Nazis? ''You're not gonna tie me up or something?''

''No, I have more important things to do right now. But it doesn't mean I'll let you go easily.'' I gulp loudly when he gives me a warning look. ''So what's the closest target?''

I point my finger at the building not so far away from us. ''There's a farmhouse with the MG hidden in the hay loft. It might be their last stand.''

''Alright.'' His eyes search around to see if everyone is ready. ''Time to go.'' Of course I have to go first to lead them but I see that Turner never leaves my side. Is it because he knows I plan a runaway or he simply wants to protect me? After all, I'm not as good armored as him. With a jealous look in my eyes I stare at his Thompson. Wish I could have one. Then I suddenly remember about the weapons Nazis hid in the farmhouse yesterday. If I find them, we might have a bigger advantage in this battle. I cannot stay any longer, hiding in the bushes, and the second Turner starts searching through his bags with ammunition I reload my pistol and jump out of my cover. ''(Y/N)!'' - shouts Turner in bewilderment and fully concentrates on covering me. Keeping my head down, I run to the Nazi soldier standing in the doorway and not to waste bullets, I attack him by surprise, grabbing his submachine gun to pull it down and next he gets kicked in the stomach. With my final punch in the neck I knock him out and go inside the house. Luckily, the way upstairs is already clear thanks to Daniels, who has just got there. ''Need some help?'' - I ask him with a smirk.

''(Y/N)? What are you doing here?''

''With your poor targeting the battle will last for days.'' I click my tongue in disapprobation and in a rush I take out the ammo from the bottom of the pile of hay. Daniels snickers when I take the MG. "Don't tell your commander about it, okay?" I wink playfully at him before I get down to business. Together we wipe out Nazis really fast. Turner then orders to destroy the cannon and Daniels is first to do it, jumping out of the building. I hesitate to do the same because of my sore ankle. When I turn back to use the stairs, I wince at the sight of a Nazi officer with a pistol aimed at me. I have a feeling that I have seen him before. Could it be that he is one of those survivors of the ambush I set up with my team some weeks ago? I take some steps back until I realize that I'm standing on the edge of the building, behind me is a big hole in the wall. I see some hay left on the ground outside so there's a small chance for a delicate landing. ''(Y/N)!'' Turner is first to notice me and runs in my way. I give him the last glance before the man shoots but misses because I slip down. ''(Y/N)!!'' I hear his voice screaming my name as I fall and a moment later I feel his strong arms catching me but he loses the balance and together we fall back on the haystack. ''Turner...'' - I murmur in disbelief. I can't believe he saved me.

Lightly panting, he says with a weak smile: ''I've got you, (Y/N).'' I can't help but stare at him in admiration, not minding that there're still a few remaining enemies in front of us. Turner takes Thompson in both his hands and opens the fire at them, getting me into an awkward position because I'm now stuck between his body and the gun he is holding. How can I concentrate on my mission when we're so close? On the other hand, I can take a better look at him now. The look in his deep brown eyes is kind but serious and he smells of gun smoke mixed with cologne. He turns his head to me and catches me on mindlessly watching him. ''Next time don't do such a reckless thing like this, okay?'' - he says when he's done shooting.


''Don't be. What truly matters now is that you're alright.''

''Turner!'' Pierson comes to us but he drops his jaw at the sight of me still in Turner's embrace. He's so confused that he can't even utter a word. Turner simply stands up as if nothing happened here and tells us to follow him.

''Hey!'' It's Daniels, catching up with me. ''About that earlier...'' He pats my shoulder gently. ''Good job.''

''It was nothing.'' I move a strand of my hair behind the ear and lower my eyes in embarrassment, knowing that Turner keeps his eye on me as he walks by Pierson's side. He may already suspect something.
I follow them to the assembly point, where already is wounded Zussman lying on the ground. I should leave now but before that I'll stop by to check on him.

''(Y/N)!'' His smile is back on his face when he sees me. ''Daniels told me about what you did. Are you alright?''

''It should be me asking you.''

''A few days off and I'll be back soon. You'll see.''

''Recover first, then you'll think about returning.''

''Yes, ma'am.''

Warmly smiling at Zussman, I'm about to leave but out of nowhere Pierson shows up in my way and pushes me down. "Where do you think you're going, huh? You little damn spy..." He wants to attack me again but Turner stands between us. "Stay away from her. I will interrogate her, not you."

As they are busy arguing, they don't see one of their war prisoners running in their way with a knife in his hand. I get up immediately and shoot at him but my bullet hasn't been enough to stop him and before I could reload my gun he jumps at me. Turner looks over his shoulder and his eyes widen in shock at the sight of me and the Nazi soldier wrestling on the ground. ''(Y/N)!'' Turner rushes to help me but he doesn't get in time because the man stabs me deeply in the arm, making me shriek in pain. ''(Y/N)!'' Turner shoots him in the head and gets down to take me in his arms before I close my eyes and pass out.

Hours of Glory (Turner x Reader)(CODWWII)Where stories live. Discover now