New Team

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Six weeks later...

I'm in a field hospital, being treated by American nurses, who don't hide their curiosity and admiration for me that I fight just like men. They say I'm the only female patient here and it makes me feel like a VIP. But the best part is that Zussman is also here. During this longtime recovery we became close buddies and thanks to him I know more about Turner. Speaking about Turner, we've been sending each other letters quite often. He generally writes about the war and the battles he fought, but never forgets to ask about my health. He even puts in each one envelope a daisy to express his affection. I miss Turner a lot and I can't wait to see him again. Luckily, today I'll be discharged but first I have to meet Davis. In a rush I pack all my things and with spring in my steps I go to the jeep outside the tent. Seeing my too obvious excitement, the driver scoffs at me and shakes his head in disbelief. 

When we arrive at the destined place, a bit impatient I jump out and immediately enter the wooden house in which Davis is awaiting me. ''Miss (Y/N).'' He stands up to welcome me and leans down to kiss the top of my hand. ''How are you feeling?''

''Better than before, sir.''

''Good. I'm sure Turner will be in even better spirits once he sees you. I heard that you two maintained quite lengthy correspondence. You must be good friends, huh?'' He smirks at me and cues me to sit down on a richly decorated chair. Now I notice that he has gathered here all the best furniture from the village. Seems like those officers are really picky when it comes to prepare a temporal office. ''I've called you here because I want to ask you something. You see...'' Meanwhile, his aide is pouring some hot chocolate in a mug for me. ''There's a good chance to reach Paris very soon. But I'd like to pick up the pace and make it before all leaves fall down. Now listen carefully. Lieutenant Turner is a talented commander. You, miss (Y/N), besides being a liaison between the French Resistance and my division, know this territory better than him. With both of you the victory would be ours in just a few days.'' I let out a short chuckle in reaction to his quite exaggerated compliment. Me in Turner's team? I'd love it but would he? ''So, miss, why don't you join us to faster liberate Paris?''

''Anything that is good for my country is good for me. With a great joy I'll accept your offer.''

In a second on Davis's face shows up a huge grin. ''Good, good. Now let's go for the victory. Together.'' He stands up and reaches out for a handshake. I smile nervously when he squeezes my hand. Davis then glances at the door before saying kind of melancholy: ''Miss (Y/N), there's someone waiting for you outside.'' I look confused at Davis, who winks at me, and returns to his duties. As I head out in the search for Turner, I take a better look at the camp. There are lots of trucks parked in a messy way and crowds of soldiers chatting loud and wandering around as if there was a break from the war. But where is Turner? When I get closer to one group to ask them about their commander, I recognize Daniels sitting on a crate and cleaning a gun.

''Daniels!'' - I shout happily, walking toward him.

Daniels stops cleaning the barrel and looks in the way he's heard my voice. ''(Y/N)?'' His lips at once form into a broad smile. ''Boys, it's (Y/N)!''

Stiles, who has been standing back to me, abruptly turns around and drops his jaw. ''Missus Turner!''

''Wait, what?'' I frown at him, totally taken aback.

''Why didn't you tell us that you and Turner are dating?''

''Stiles...'' Daniels sighs tiredly, not even trying to hide his irritation clearly heard in his voice. ''It was just a gossip.''

''Didn't you see how Turner looks at her? I'm telling you, this must be love.''

''Says the expert of love.'' - says sarcastically Aiello, who is taking out a new cigarette. ''Talking about Turner, did you guys notice how many letters Turner has sent lately? My friend from the post office said they all were addressed to a field hospital.''

While they keep goofing around, with a slight smirk on my face I move forward aimlessly.

''(Y/N)?'' This voice, I know this voice. Then from the crowd emerges a well-known to me man.

''Turner?'' My heart beats like crazy just at the sight of him. ''Lieutenant Turner!''

''(Y/N)! Its been a long time no see.'' At first, he smiles broadly but then he worriedly looks up and down at me. He bites his bottom lip, staring at the place I got shot. ''You took the bullet that was meant for me. I-''

''Turner.'' - I quickly interrupt him. ''I'm alright now. And we already mentioned it in letters.''

''I just don't want you to risk your life for me just like the last time. When I heard that you're going to join my team, I was shocked but also impressed, especially after all that happened.''

''Let's say I have a good source of motivation.''

''Is that so...'' Turner smirks at me, not taking his eyes off me. ''So, uh, welcome in the First Platoon.'' To my surprise he salutes me for the first time and I, brimming over with joy, follow his example.

All of a sudden, Stiles, who has been carrying a few tiny metal boxes, trips over Aiello's foot and loses his balance, falling in our way. ''Watch out!'' - shouts Turner, who pulls me into his embrace. ''That was close.'' 

''Yeah, very...'' - I comment, blushing heavily when I feel his hands holding me by my waist.

''What the...'' Curious Pierson of course stops by and shamelessly gawks at us. ''What are you two doing?''

''We?'' Turner glances at me after we've quickly separated and clears his throat nervously. ''I'm just welcoming (Y/N) back, who from now on will cooperate with me.''

''With you?''

''Well, formally with the squad but generally with me.''

''Yeah, whatever. Just don't set up your tent next to mine anymore. Don't wanna hear not required noises.''

I look questionable at Turner, but he doesn't care what Pierson meant by that and shows me to his tent where are some new things displayed on the table. ''Now that you're in my squad, I have to make sure you're well-equipped. This is your helmet...'' He gives it to me so I can try it on and as he bends down to adjust it, I bit my lower lip in shyness when I notice how close he is. ''It should be okay now.'' All I can do is smile kindly in response. While I'm checking out the rest of the equipment prepared for me, Turner leans against his table and crosses his arms. ''In the First Platoon we have a motto each one soldier in my unit needs to know by heart.'' He swiftly straightens up and tells me the formula.

I proudly raise my right hand and solemnly repeat after him, not aware yet how huge impact those words will have on my life in the future: ''No mission too difficult, no sacrifice too great, duty first.''

''Welcome in my team, miss (Y/N).''

Hours of Glory (Turner x Reader)(CODWWII)Where stories live. Discover now