Chapter Fifteen

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Rachel's parents were quick to accept, praising Rachel and I for our courage, Dante grinned at me, saying he was happy I could finally tell everyone, Nico was slightly slower, asking me if I was sure of my choice a good few times before nodding and falling silent, Pip was quick to hug me, saying she was happy to know she did have a sister, Otis was a little confused at first, needing to be explained to several times before he caught on, Mum and Dad were the slowest of all, but eventually cracked under the peer pressure and said that, and I quote "you can do whatever you want then, don't blame us when you regret it."
Not the worst second reaction ever.

It's been eight years now, I grew my hair out, it's now at hip length, I got treated for my depression (which luckily wasn't severe) and had bottom surgery, I don't yet have the money for top surgery but I'm happy, definitely much happier than I used to be.
I'm still with Rachel, we're still just girlfriends, something I plan on changing today.

Rachel is walking beside me, the
pom-pom on her wooly hat waving around with each step, it's mid autumn, the most beautiful time in the year for a walk in the forest, a squirrel darts across the path, several meters ahead, a lively flash of red among the mush of trampled leaves, Rachel squeaks and points, quickly spouting one hundred squirrel facts a minute as I crouch down, fixing my shoe lace, suddenly noticing I'm no longer by her side, Rachel looks down and gasps, her eyes pricking with tears at the sight of the small black box in my hand, open to reveal a silver ring, a emerald stone in it's center.

Rachel steps back, hand dropping to her purse and I stare in amazement as she too pulls out a black box, crouching down and opening it to reveal an almost identical ring.

I could kiss her.

So I did.


(A/n: Aaanndd cut!
I've never written a romance before so I hope this is adequate at least, hope you enjoyed *⁠'⁠ω⁠`⁠* This is certainly cheesy and admittedly at least a smol bit cringe around the edges bc of it,soooo, congratulations on finishing it. Also if you enjoy, please don't forget to drop votes in the chapters, it gives more chance that new people will find this. If you have any ideas of what you may like me to write in the future lmk! I'd be more than happy to hear. Again,Tysm for reading. )

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