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Was Isha happy? Probably to some extent. But was she smiling as often as she did when she was unmarried? No.

It had been six months since then, six months of life in a new house and amongst people, she had never met before. Was it easier now to face people? Probably a little.

Was she feeling safe? In absolute reality-Yes. Isha felt safe. Although a little scared at times when people questioned her about Aryan and her--seemingly unaware of the circumstances in which he married her, members of this colony were under the impression Aryan's marriage much like Anaira's was private.

They merrily asked to meet the new bride enthusiastically each time they came across Neeta. That was old news now that Isha had spent the last six months shyly conversing with older ladies in the colony who were wholeheartedly accepting of her. Still, perhaps they were only accepting her because of the major lie about her and Aryans' relationship. According to them, they had been in a relationship for some time and decided to get married. When they asked to see their beloved Aryan's wedding photos, Neeta diverted the situation.

In these six months, Neeta had thoroughly observed Isha and she only concluded one thing--she was nothing like Seema, on the contrary, this stranger was more similar to Aryan than she even realized. If anything Isha was such a giving person, always down to earth, always polite, and caring more about others than she cared for herself and these qualities made Neeta's heartache when she recalled her behavior with the girl.

Isha's presence in the house reminded her of Anaira. Where Anaira was a menace, always creating a ruckus with her brothers, Isha wiggled through tight spots and secured a part in each member's heart. The younger brother adored their bhabhi for she spoilt them with as much food as they asked of her, and the father-in-law softened with her persistence toward his health, her mother in law deeply regretful for what happened with the young girl but she couldn't help but feel sad when Isha demanded almost nothing from anyone. Everyone had noticed this trait of hers and mutually decided to randomly gift her things even as she denied them.

The day she returned home with a bandage around her wrist they had understood whatever happened back home was serious hence they started being careful with their words around her...her behavior made Aryan pause and from his recollection whenever Virat spoke of her family, he concluded it was a toxic environment. 

Isha's thoughts drifted to the conversation she had with her mother the day she was taken out of the store room, her mother gently cradled her damaged form and made her sit on the chair inside her room as she silently bandaged the wounds on her only daughter's hand. It broke her heart to see Isha the way she appeared, so lost, so alone and so hurt. But wiping away her own tears she stared at her in the eye.

"Give Aryan a chance." Isha had not even batted an eye at the sentence. She was expecting it, no one in her family had ever opted for divorce, and it was highly unlikely she would be the one to do so. She had no choice in the matter, her low self-esteem mocked her--telling her she would never be able to stand up on her own, she was too feeble, too naive, and too weak to face her father once again and tell him of her decision, she had messed up once and it had shattered her beyond repair.

"In him, I have seen a man much different than your father. He is not him Isha, he is nothing like him." her face remained blank as she listened to her mother, of course, for her Aryan was different. She still had hope. She still believed in the universe. But Isha was tired. No more hopes, no more dreams, and certainly no more heartbreak, she simply did not want to attach herself to Aryan. "Do not let your past corrode your future, and do not decide anything in a haste, take your time and mend yourself in a way you would be impossible to break again,"

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