TPC - 18

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Mar's mama walked up to me and pulled me into a hug. She whispered into my ear 'take your time baby. He gon be alright' and I nodded and wiped the tears from my cheeks.

I walked into Room 101 where Mar was, and saw him laying there, with tubes coming outta his mouth, and looking lifeless.

I broke down crying and sobbing. I couldn't even bring myself to say anything, I just cried. That's all I could do.

I felt so at fault. All because I wanted to see him, ion know how I'm ever gonna sleep again. It was eating me up inside.

After 20 minutes, I finally gathered up the courage to talk to him. I grabbed onto his hand, and he didn't grab it back. I teared up at the fact that he doesn't even know I'm here.

'Marcel im so sorry. I can't even find the words to say how much I want you to be okay. I'm so sorry you have to go through this. I miss you so much baby, keep fighting for me okay? I love you with all my heart' I said to him and started crying all over again.


I woke up feeling light taps on my shoulder. I didn't even realise that I'd fallen asleep at Mar's side. But I didn't want to leave him. Why would I at a time like this?

It was Po tapping me.

'Go on home sis. You look tired and you need sleep' he said to me and I tapped on my phone to check the time. 5:30am it said and I sighed.

'I can't just leave him Po. What if something happens whilst I'm not here?' I asked him and he sighed.

'I'm gon be here. Just go rest, you need it. If anything happens, I'll call you. I promise' he said to me and I knew he meant it.

I got up and kissed Mar's forehead before leaving his room.

I called myself an Uber and it came in 3 minutes, cause the hospital was busy.

I was scared to go home. Whoever shot Mar knows where I live, and that we are together. As much as I was terrified, I didn't have anywhere else to go.

10 minutes later...

The Uber driver dropped me off right outside my house, and I could see Mar's blood, stained outside my door step. I felt sick to my stomach.

I got into the house, dropped all my stuff, and went to our utilities cabinet. I got some bleach, a mop, and some warm water and came back outside.

I started mopping up Mar's blood and I cried all whilst I did it.

After I finished up, I got my hygiene together and then prayed.

I don't know how long I was sleeping for at the hospital, but I felt wide awake. Maybe I was avoiding sleep, or maybe I was just full of adrenaline after everything that had happened.

I sat on my bed and stared up at the ceiling, before I heard faint knocking at my door.

'Cece? It's me baby. I'm coming in okay?' my mama said from outside the door, before opening it.

I sat up and she sat on the edge of my bed before pulling into her arms, and I cried into her chest.

'It's okay baby' she said rubbing my back and I cried even harder.

'I don't even know how to feel mama. At all' I said in between crying.

I wasn't good at expressing myself or my emotions. I didn't know how to react to this situation but I'm struggling already. I just need him to be okay.

'He gon be alright baby. God's got him' she said and I nodded.

'I'm gon make you some food, okay?' She said to me and I shrugged.

'I'm not really hungry mama' I said to her truthfully.

I really wasn't. I felt like my insides were filled with something that I didn't even know. I couldn't bring myself to eat, I would just throw it all back up again.

'Okay baby. Well you not going to school today, so just rest and we'll go see him later? I've taken the night off work' she said to me and kissed me on the cheek before leaving out of my room.

I texted Mani to see where she was cause she wasnt at the hospital when I left.

Where are you? I texted her.

Po dropped me off home, then I took the early bus to school.

Okay I texted and shut off my phone.

PO'S POV - at the hospital 3pm

I had to call uncle Dre and tell him what happened, but I'm sure he already knew.

The streets was always talking.

'Wassup youngin?' He asked me and I sighed.

'Mar was shot' I said and I heard him stand up and start rustling around for something.

'WHAT YOU SAY NIGGA? How's he doing?' He shouted through the phone and put him on speaker.

'He's in a coma man' I said rubbing on my forehead.

'How this happen man? That drop went so well' he said sighing and honestly I didn't have an answer for him. 'Imma call you back, stay by yo phone' he said and ended the call.

Mar is honestly like the brother I ain't have. He's the only family I have and seeing him like this is hurting a nigga.

I was gon avenge my brother though. I had too. Now way was I gon let them get away free.

Me and Mar's mama were taking in and outta the hospital, but I was holding it down here while she was at work.

Cela ain't picking up her phone but I ain't blame her. She was right there when he was shot, I feel for her like crazy.

IMANI'S POV - after school 4pm

I honestly don't why I came in to school today. People were coming up to me asking me what happened, cause somebody was recording the whole thing and put in on Twitter.

I didn't know whether to tell Cela, but I'm sure she was gonna see it sooner or later.

I couldn't focus all day. Seeing my sister hysterical, seeing Mar just laying there was heartbreaking for me, and I was heartbroken for Cela.

Their love was something I ain't never seen before and I wanted him to be good. I mean, me and Mar were also close, and he's like a brother to me, you know? Cause my brother is a pussy ass fuck nigga.

I felt sorry for Po too. I mean he was trying to maintain this strong, calm exterior, but I knew he was breaking down on the inside. I mean, why wouldn't he? Mar is his best friend.

I made my way home, on the bus, with my Airpods in, listening to Hope by Twista on repeat. I was just tryna be positive for everybody.

I tried calling Cela, but I kept getting her voicemail.

When I got home, I ran straight up to her room cause i didn't hear any noise and the house was quiet.

'Cece?' I called out to her, and nobody responded to me.

I walked into her room and she wasn't in there.

I saw the light on in the bathroom and knocked on the door. 'Cece? Im home. Open up please' I called out to her and she didn't respond.

I heard the water running but I didn't hear Cela.

'Please? I just wanna know if you're okay?' I said trying to open the door but it was locked.

I then heard a drop and a thump onto the bathroom floor...

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