TPC - 37

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3 months later - Imani's POV...

'What the fuck?' I whispered under my breath, as I stared blankly at the positive pregnancy test in my hand. 'What. The. Fuck'

'Imani can you hurry up? Damn, I need to shit' Cela shouted from outside the door.

I quickly flushed the toilet and put the pregnancy test in my pocket, then washed my hands and opened the door.

'Thank you' Cela sassed and moved past me, to get into the bathroom, then shut the door in my face.

I couldn't even think straight, ion know who the father could've been. I mean, it might've been Tariq's, but I been seeing Chris again, so maybe it's his? Mama is gonna kill me.

20 minutes later...

I knocked on Cela's door and it sounded like she was on the phone.

'Hold on baby, somebody's at my door. Who is it?' She shouted.

'Imani' I replied.

'Come in. I'll call you back baby, I love you' she hung up, as I walked into her room and shut the door behind me. I sat by her desk and stared at her.

'What's up Imani?' She asked, sitting up, to face me.

'I um, I'm pregnant' I said, and Cela rolled her eyes.

'Imani please. Ion have time for this today, I have shit to do like'- she started, and I pulled the pregnancy test out of my pocket and showed it to her.

'Believe me now?' I interrupted her, and her jaw was on the ground.

'Damn' she whispered. 'So what are you gonna do?'

'I definitely want an abortion. I'm 16, ion need a baby' I said and Cela shrugged.

'Who's the father?' She asked and I put my head down.

'I think it's Chris' I said, ashamed, and Cela shook her head at me.

'Your seeing that weird ass nigga again? Imani come on now, after all that happened a while back? Why are you still seeing him?' She asked me and I shrugged.

'I just wanted some dick' I said tearfully and Cela held in her laugh.

'Girl bye. But seriously, what are you going to do?' She asked again, and I shrugged.

'I need to talk to mama' I said, and felt my heart starting to race. 'Can you be there with me? Please?'

'Imani' she contemplated it for a minute. 'Okay' she said and I got up to hug her.

'Thank you' I hugged her, but she didn't hug me back.

I left her room and walked back into mine. I just burst into tears. With this baby, and the relationship with my sister, this is just too much for me to handle.

CELA'S POV - 1 month later...

'Imani, start using your own damn bathroom. Having ours smelling like bath n bodyworks, and tears' Mar shouted from the bathroom and I laughed quietly.

Imani told our mama, and she ended up kicking her out. I was already living with Mar, so I had to beg him to let Imani stay with us. I couldn't see my sister homeless. He loves me more than he hates her, so he did it, but of course, he doesn't like it.

Imani told Chris the baby might be his, and he cut her off completely. I kinda felt bad for her, she was completely alone with it. She wasn't really showing yet, but she was still having the symptoms like throwing up and shit.

Her abortion was scheduled for 2 days from now, but she kept pushing the date further and further back.

'I wish it was you that was pregnant' Mar said, and kissed on my neck.

'Boy bye' I laughed and tried to get him off my neck. 'Move boy, I'm not playing with you' I said, but you know me by now, I was enjoying the feeling. 'You gon get yourself one acting like this, damn' I said, and he kissed me tongue first and I moaned into his mouth. 'Fuck' I said, and he laughed before letting me go.

'You think you funny doing that?' I joked and he laughed.

'You know you liked that girl' he joked and I laughed.


2 days later...

Imani and I got out of the car, outside the hospital.

'You ready to do this?' I asked her and she shrugged. 'You don't have to do this if it doesn't feel right to you' I reassured her.

'I just want to get this over with' she said and I nodded.

4 hours later...

We left the hospital, and walked back to the car in silence. It kinda seemed wrong to talk at a time like this. We got into the car and Imani burst into tears.

'I killed my baby' she cried and I rubbed on her back. 'You made me kill my baby' she said and I held a confused look on my face.

'Girl what the fuck? I told you that if it didn't feel right for you to do, then you shouldn't do it. How is this my fault?' I asked, genuinely hurt that she thought that, and she shrugged. 'Okay'

'Just take me home' she said and I started the car.

I wasn't taking her back to Mar's, I was taking her back to mama's house. I'm not living with her. I tried to be there for her but she just threw it back in my face. Never again.

20 minutes later...

We pulled up at mama's house and Imani held a confused look on her face.

'We're here' I said to her and she stared blankly at me. 'What? You said you wanted to go home, I drove you home. What more do you want from me Imani?' I asked her and she got out of the car, and slammed the door behind her. 'Don't slam my damn door, you ain't pay for this shit' I said, and she flagged me off.

I sped off angrily and made the journey back to the house. I felt like I was flying the way I was driving, but I felt like I couldn't stop. The fact that my sister thinks that I killed her baby makes me sick, and it kept replaying in my head. I was deep in thought.

'AHHHHHH' I screamed, as I collided with a tree on the side of the road, before I blacked out.

Writers Comment :

Thank you guys so muchhh for 26k views and 1k votes. I'm honestly grateful for each and every one of you, and I'm so excited to finish off this story for you guys, cause you have been so good to me.

This was a short chapter, but you know in the next chapter that I got y'all. 🥰

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