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CELA'S POV - 11am
2 months later...

'Okay, well that's all we have time for this week. I'll see you next Tuesday for our final session' my therapist Angie said, smiling back at me.

'Thank you so much Ms Angie, you've really helped me the last 2 months' I said, smiling at her. She really brought me out of a dark place.

People were not lying when they said therapy works.

After me and Mar went on our break, my mama suggested me going to therapy. At first, I ain't want to go at all, but the person I was 2 months ago was not me, and I hated being that way. All negative.

But after I went to my first session, I loved it and looked forward to going back each week. It felt so refreshing talking to someone new, someone who didn't know me, someone that couldn't judge me.

We talked about me, my weight, Mar, Mar being shot and my relationship with my brother. It felt uncomfortable talking to a stranger about all these personal things to me, however I feel like a new me, and I'm sad it's almost my last session with her.

Me and Mar haven't spoken in 2 months. I mean we have, but it's small talk and that's just not us.

I heard through the grape vine that he's back on the streets and is worse than he was before. Apparently he been talking to someone new aswell, and people are making it a habit of bringing it up to me every time they see me at school.

I don't care though and I'm not gon cry about it. He knows where home is, and if he is finding his peace with those whores on the street, then he should stay where he's at.

I didn't want to set myself back and get back into a negative place, and if he was happy then I was happy too.

I left Ms Angie's office and walked out to my car. I unlocked it and drove back to school.

I was also trying to get back on top of my school work. When I was in my dark place, I wasn't doing any work and was coming to school as a way to escape my reality  when I got home, rather than actually taking the time to learn.

My grades were back up, and I was back on track to graduate, so I was happy.

When I got to school, I signed in and walked into my class. Math.

'And why are you so late?' My teacher Mr Stevens asked me.

'I had an appointment. It won't happen again' I said to him, walking to my seat and getting out my work to start.

'Well it's your job to catch up, not mine' he said and I nodded.

'Got it, thanks' I said, discreetly rolling my eyes and writing the lessons title.


I walked into lunch and Mani was sat with her friends. Other than my sister, I actually realised I had no friends. Kinda sad.

The boy I slapped walked past my table and then circled back and sat with me.

'Why you all alone?' He asked me and I shrugged.

'Why do you care?' I sassed him and he touched his chest looking hurt. 'Boy bye'

'I just wanted to check if you straight. You looking happier now' he said and I squinted my eyes at him.

'Oh so you're watching me now?' I asked me, raising my eyebrows and he chuckled.

'Nah, I mean, I just noticed' he said and I nodded, but he knew I didn't believe him.

'Boy you know I don't talk to nobody here. Just say you was watching me' I joked with him and he laughed.

His name was Tariq and he was actually an alright guy. My therapist told me to be more forgiving to myself and others, so I guess he was my friend.

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