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Omniscient's POV - 7:04pm...

'Can I get an ambulance over here? My wife is bleeding, and shes 30 weeks pregnant' Mar shouted to the doctor through the phone, as Cela screamed in pain. 'It's alright mama, they gon be here soon'

They weren't ready for babygirl to come now, they hadn't even done Cela's hospital bag yet or anything like that. The nursery wasn't even done, and that what was worrying Cela even more.

'Okay, we are sending a dispatcher out to you right now, and they're gonna be about 5 minutes' she said. 'In the meantime sir, please try to keep your wife calm, I know this is scary'

'AHHHHH PLEASE HURRY UP' Cela shouted in pain, and it was throwing him as he knew he couldn't do anything about it but comfort her and he hated seeing Cela in pain.

'They're coming as fast as they can ma'am' the lady tried to comfort Cela, but she couldn't hear a thing, all Cela could feel was pain.

'Please God save my daughter, I'm begging' she cried out in pain. All these questions were racing through her mind, was this her fault? Was there something more she could've done? Would she be bringing her baby home today? Cela was terrified, and the unknown was what was scaring her.

'He gon do it mama, I promise' Marcel held her as she cried. 'It's gon be alright mama, okay?' He kissed her on her head. 'They here, they here' he said getting up quickly. 'I'm gon be right back okay?'

Marcel ran to the door, so nothing was obstructing the ambulances way of getting to Cela. 'Where is she?' They asked him and he pointed to the front room.

'Through there, can y'all hurry please?' He said, trying to keep his cool, and the doctors got to Cela and put her on stretcher and secured her in, so they could move her into the ambulance.

They got her in quickly and Marcel got in, and they sped off quickly.


Cela was given an epidural, which helped with her pain a lot and was finally feeling a bit more calm. They were currently in the Labour and Delivery room, and Cela could not believe she may be giving birth today.

The hospital told them that she was already 8cm dilated, and then it all clicked for Cela. Throughout the day, she had been getting weird cramping feelings in her stomach, however, she just thought she had to go to the bathroom. The cramps would happen every so often, and eventually she started bleeding which was strange.

'How you feeling baby?' Marcel asked her, and Cela smiled weakly at him.

'I'm feeling a lot better since they gave me the epidural. I can finally think straight' she joked and they laughed. 'I'm just so thankful to God that babygirl is okay. I don't know what I would have done if she wasn't'

'I know' he kissed her hand. 'We gotta give Him thanks'

They were currently waiting, just to see what happens, and Cela was still in a little bit of pain, but majority of it was coming from the fact that she didn't know whether or not their daughter was okay. After she found of that babygirl was, Cela was already feeling a lot better.

Cela eventually drifted off to sleep, and Marcel paced up and down the room. He was glad Cela was finally resting but his mind wasn't. He just wanted to see his babygirl and get out of the hospital.

He always hated hospitals, as they didn't hold the greatest memories for him, but he had to be strong for Cela as she needed him and so did their daughter.

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