TPC - 19

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'Cela what the fuck?' I shouted after hearing a loud noise from the bathroom.

I was scared.

I pushed into the door with all my might, damn near breaking my arm, and it opened.

Cela was laying here, with ear plugs in her ear and on her back. She looked startled that I was even in the room in the first place.

'Girl are You okay?' I asked her, helping her up and handing her a towel.

'I slipped. I'm sorry if I scared you' she said plainly and wrapped the towel round her.

'Why did you have earplugs in?' I asked her as we stood there.

'I just wanted to block out the noise. I feel like all I can hear since that night is the sound on the gun shot and Mar screaming. I just wanted quiet' she said, tearing up and I sighed.

We eventually left the bathroom and Cela got herself together and got dressed.

I wanted to atleast cook for her. I haven't seen her eat in 2 days, and I know that wasn't healthy.

'Imma make you some food. You want some chicken wings?' I asked her and she shook her head no.

'I'm not hungry' she said, walking out of the kitchen and upstairs to her room.

I sighed. I couldn't even begin to imagine what she might've been going through.

I just found it weird how all now David and Monica hadn't called to ask if we were all okay. David is apart of Mar's crew and Monica is damn near Cela's bestfriend. And I knew they knew about it.

I got out all the stuff to cook with and started prepping and washing the chicken.

Po took my number so he could check on Cela and me, and I saw I got a message from him.

Are y'all good? Do you need sum? He texted me.

Define good. No I think we alright for now I texted back.

Text me if y'all need sum he texted and I hearted the message and started cooking again.

1 month later...
CELA'S POV - at home

'Cela, please come to the hospital' Mar's mom said and I got up and started getting my stuff together.

'Okay, I'm coming now' I said and she hung up.

It's been a month since the incident and I've been struggling. Mar still hasn't woken up yet, and the doctor's were talking about turning off his machines. I was praying and praying, and I was exhausted. I missed my man so much.

I got an Uber to the hospital, because I was not paying for parking and I got out. I walked in, silently praying and I walked into Room 101 and I saw something I thought I'd never see again.

Mar was staring back at me with his big brown eyes and I felt a huge weight being lifted off my shoulders.

'Baby?' I said to him and he chuckled weakly and I broke down crying.

'You'on gotta cry mama, I'm here now' he reassured me and I still cried.

I couldn't even believe what I was happening right now. I was waiting for somebody to wake me up, and someone did.

'Cela! Baby, why are you crying?' My mama asked me as I woke up in my bed.

I felt my heart sink. I just knew it was too good to be true and I honestly didn't know how much I could that.

'It felt so real mama' I said, crying into her chest again.

Imani walked in and my mama gave her a look, and she nodded and walked out.

I've been having dreams like this every night since Mar has been in the hospital, and it was draining me. I felt like every time I cried, I ain't have anymore tears to cry, but I always proved myself wrong.

I've lost so much weight and I don't even feel or look like myself. I have bags that sit under my eyes now, I don't sleep, I don't eat, and even when I go to sleep, I'm not even really there. I'm just waiting for my phone to ring, for somebody to tell me some good news.

My mama rubbed my back until I fell asleep again and I slept all through until the morning.



I decided that I was gonna go into school today and just be positive. I figured it would do me some good.

I got showered, dressed and put on a lil bit of makeup. I usually ate breakfast, but I don't have an appetite so I just had some water.

Imani came down after getting ready and we left outta the house.

'You good?' She asked me and I nodded.

We got into the parking lot and there was the usual weird boys standing there, watching us as we parked up.

We got out and held hands with each other into the school entrance and we heard someone calling behind us.

'Ayo, I know yo man is in the hospital, so let me talk to you for a minute' this guy said to me and I ignored him. 'You lost a lil weight and now you'on know how to act' he said from behind me, and had all his friends laughing with him.

I kept walking at first, but then I remembered who the fuck I was. I turned round, walked up to him, and slapped in his face.

'Say sum else' I bucked up to him as he held his face and mugged me. All his friends were in the back laughing and I stood there staring back at him. Mani dragged me away and I sighed.

I just wanted to go home at this point. The day hadn't even started yet and people were already testing me.


I sat in Math and I felt like the time just was not moving. I kept watching the clock, then my work, then the clock again, and I could've sworn it was 2:25 for like 2 hours.

I felt my phone buzz in my bag and my teacher looked up.

'Whoever's phone that is, turn it off before it becomes mine' Miss Allen said and I mugged her before switching my phone onto airplane mode.


Math was finally over and I was ready to go home. Or to the hospital. That became my second home whilst Mar has been in there. I check on him everyday, and talk to him about my day, it just hurts that he doesn't respond to me.

I saw Mani at the exit and she looked happy for some reason.

'Why you look like that girl?' I asked her and she shrugged smiling still.

'Po texted me saying that we should meet him at the hospital. Do you know what this is about?' She asked me and I shrugged.

That's when I brought out my phone and saw the text from Po and Mar's mama.

'Let's go' I said to her, rushing out of the entrance and I saw that same boy from this morning standing by my car.

'Excuse me' I said and he ignored me. 'Boy move your ass' I shouted at him and he moved. His friends were all laughing behind me and he looked embarrassed but I didn't care. He was a weirdo.

'I just wanted to apologise for this morning. I didn't mean any disrespect' he said and I stared at him blankly.

'Ion got time for this' I said getting into my car with Mani and speeding off. Leaving him in my dust.


I parked quickly and ran into the hospital. Po was standing outside the room with tears in his eyes.

'He's awake, and he's asking for you' he said and I felt my heart start to race.


Hey guys. Thanks for all the support so far on my book. Hope you all enjoy this chapter and look out for the next one. Don't forget to vote and comment. Until next time...🥰

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