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(Warning: Suicide, self harm, DID, mental strain, a lot of time skips, and some lazy writing, sorry!)

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(Warning: Suicide, self harm, DID, mental strain, a lot of time skips, and some lazy writing, sorry!)

Chapter Fourteen: The House with the Wisteria Family Crest
W/C: 4356 (DAMN, THAT MANY?)

"Grrr... mmm... Ah..?"

Moment of silence...

"AHHHH!!!" The boar jumps up dramatically, spotting his first victim and aimlessly running after him.

Poor Zenitsu.

"AHH! HES AWAKE!" Zenitsu cries, helplessly trying to escape the wild hog, running frightfully.

The boar grovels, "Fight me! Fight me! Hey, you!" He directs his attacks to Zenitsu, chasing after the yellow boy.

Miyake deadpans, "What's that guys name anyway?"

'And why is he so pretty?'

Tanjiro sighed and furrowed his brows in concern for Zenitsu, "His name is Hashibira Inosuke.."

Miyake's dull eyes widened as he immediately saw a vision of rainbow iridescent eyes, carved with a kanji he couldn't quite read. Miyake hissed in discomfort and rubbed his irritated eyes.

"Ah, Miyake-Kun, are you okay?"

"Ah! AHH!!!" Zenitsu screams, hiding behind Teruko, who sweatdropped nervously.


"If that boar so much as lay a finger on her I will use his own dual blades and behead him as if he were a foul demon..." Miyake grumbled, fatigued and honestly very mentally strained right now, with a glint of malice deep in his heart.

He wanted Kyōjurō's fire...

Inosuke stopped suddenly, furrowing his brows, "Hah? What the hell are you guys doing?!"

Tanjiro answered him with no hesitation or fear, "It's a burial."


Tanjiro gestured to the burials, "You help too, Insokue. There are still people who were killed inside the house."

Inosuke huffed, "What's the point of burying the corpses of creatures? I'm not doing that! I'm not helping! Forget that and fight me!"

"What's the point?" Miyake growled, ready to fight this guy, how disrespectful to those who had lost their lives here. Those who had families, friends, pets, and a future...

Miyake tensed, just how many kids?

"What'd you say?" Miyake sneered, his dull eyes narrowing at Inosuke, "What's the point? When I kill you, I'll present you to the gods with malice and resentment on my tongue. You will forever repent for your disrespect to the dead."

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑮𝒐𝒅 𝑯𝒂𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒂 | 𝙺𝙽𝚈 𝚡 𝙼𝚊𝚕𝚎!𝙾𝚌Where stories live. Discover now