Chapter 5

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Over the next few days, it's like I've become more visible. More people refer to me as Anne or Annie instead of 'Hey girl' or 'Excuse me'. And whenever I make eye contact with any one of the popular students, they wave at me and sometimes smile. It's not yet overwhelming, and I'm not sure if it's ever going to be, but I like it, and I don't mind the change that is beginning to happen, and it's all because of Lana.

Speak of the devil; my eyes light up when Lana, Shawn, Danny, and Olivia enter the class, and Lana looks at me, smiles, and starts heading over. I watch her walk up to what is now unofficially our seat, and then I turn around to look at Shawn go to the back seats with Danny and Olivia.

"Hey," Lana greets me, taking a seat, and I turn back to her. She looks and smells fantastic.

"Hey, good morning," I resist the urge to move closer and take a big whiff of her perfume. "Do you think Liam ever gets jealous of Olivia and Danny?"

"What? Of course not, they are all friends, and Danny knows not to cross a line with his bros. And, I think Olivia would rather hit a nail on her head than have anything to do with Danny. She loves Liam," Lana explains.

"Yeah, of course. That was a stupid question."

"It was?"

I nod, "yeah, and I'm just nervous because you smell so good, and you're like my friend now, so I don't want to mess things up, but I'm kind of a ticking bomb, so I'm definitely going to mess this up." I take in a deep breath. "I've probably already messed up with my rambling, haven't I?"

Lana giggles, then reach out and cup my face. "You're adorable, Annie."

Time freezes, and I feel like my stomach is housing wild drunk bees.

"Oh, I have a question," Lana says, pulling her hand away and breaking the tiny moment. I don't even know what moment it was, so it doesn't matter.

"Yeah?" My cheeks are flaming hot; I bet they are red like a ripe tomato.

"Perhaps. Do you like Shawn?"

That question comes like a bucket of cold water, splashing on me and pulling me out of my thoughts and back to reality, taking the warmth out of my body. I look at Lana with wide, horrified eyes. "What?" How in the world does she know? Does that mean Shawn knows? I sit one time at the popular table and —

"Calm down," Lana says, like she can read my face and tell what I'm feeling. "It's just a personal observation, and I don't bite. Plus, you mentioned we are friends, and friends tell each other these things, don't they?"

"Oh," I run my fingers through my hair. Lana looks sincere, but I don't know if I'm ready to admit my feelings to Shawn to the third person. Giddy and Pen are already enough. "Well... what makes you think I do?"

"Well," Lana drawled. "I've seen the way you look at him. When he talks to you directly and compliments you, you visibly glow, and it's like you can't help being close to him and turning around to look at him from any angle." She raises her hand up in surrender fashion. "It's okay if you don't like him, though. I just notice stuff about you, that's all."

"About me?"

"Yeah," she shrugs, and it must be my eyes, but I feel like she gets more colors on her cheeks. "You're fascinating to me."

I blush, "well, you're fascinating to me too."

"So, do you like Shawn?"

I give her a look with a teasing smile, "are you complimenting me just to get my secrets?"

"Maybe," Lana chuckles.

"I um," I look at my fingers and decide to tell Lana about Shawn but then I feel reluctant and don't know why. It's not because I'm scared. It is more like it's somewhat embarrassing. But why on earth would liking Shawn be embarrassing? Half the girls in school here like him too. I nod, and then I speak. "I do?"

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