Chapter 12

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"Why are you asking me that?" Giddy asks. He doesn't look annoyed anymore, just curious.

I groan, covering my face up with my palms. "I don't know."

"Annie..." Pen starts calling, but I cut her off.

"Please don't ask me why I'm asking. Let's just say I'm really curious right now," I answer, looking them both in their eyes, and I turn back to Giddy, fixing him a look. "Please tell me."

He looks me over before he sighs, giving in. "I don't know. I guess I always knew."

"Girls repulsed you?"

"Not really. I just couldn't see myself with them," Giddy shrugs. "I don't want to kiss them, and I don't want to touch them. I don't fantasize about them or have sweet dreams involving girls. It's all boys. I want to spend all my time next to a hard muscle body for the rest of my life."

I smile, and Pen chuckles, shaking her head. "Right," I slowly nod. "That's how you knew."

"Is this question heading somewhere? Are you gay now?" Giddy blurts.

"Giddy!" Pen scolds. "Easy."

I blink at him, swallowing and pretending like that question didn't affect me. "I'm with Shawn. How can I be gay?"

Pen shrugs, "you could be bisexual or bi-curious. I heard nobody is a hundred percent straight."


Pen opens her mouth to say something but Giddy cuts in. "Annie, if you're asking the 'am I gay?' question, then the probability of you being gay is ninety-eight percent."

"Right," I nod. I saw that somewhere online during my LGBT quiz.

"What going on?" Pen asks.

I sigh; I have confirmed what was making me want to hit my head on the wall. It's no mystery and doesn't have to be this hard. I'm bisexual. I look at Pen and Giddy, happy and grateful. I throw myself at them in a hug. "Thank you guys so much. I swear I'd tell you everything when I have the answers."

"Just..." Giddy drawls. "Take care of yourself."

"Thanks," I wave at them and run off, going to look for Lana. I see her by the locker with Shawn and the rest of the gang. After greeting everyone and exchanging a kiss with Shawn, I take her hand in mine. "I need to say something to you, Lana," I tell her and look back at the group. "We'll be right back."

I drag a confused Lana with me to the female restroom; there are two girls in there already, so we awkwardly wait for them to be done and to leave before I hurriedly go and lock the door up, walking back to Lana.

Lana raises both hands, "I'm getting scared. Are you about to kill me and flush my body parts down the toilet?"

I laugh and shake my head, "Unfortunately not." Lana smiles and rolls her eyes. "I dragged you here to tell you something. I might never say it again if I don't say it now."


"I like you," I blurt out. "I like you a lot, and it's crazy. But I'm so confused because Shawn is right there, and I don't even know what I am anymore. I liked spending time with you, holding your hand, and kissing you. But I don't know what I want, and I don't know if I'm the one you want. I honestly don't know anything, and it's driving me crazy."

When I open my eyes, I startle because Lana has closed the distance between us, and she is now standing right in front of my face. I gasp when she takes hold of my hand, my heart beating like a wild machine. Lana smiles, and just like that, I begin to calm down. "Calm down, Annie," she looks at me, her eyes smiling at mine like she's holding in something, then she looks away and breaks into a giggle. "Sorry, I'm just so excited; I can't believe you just said that."

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