Chapter 5: Ben

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'I'm so pleased you decided to stop by before you left, brother.' Ophelia Kent, formerly Montgomery, Countess Needham, offered Benedict an adoring smile from across the breakfast table before turning a grateful look to Graham. They were currently in her townhouse in Bath, where they had broken the first leg of their journey to Cornwall at her behest. 'And you, my lord, I am touched that you are traveling with Benedict. I will certainly rest less fitfully knowing you will be available if things go awry.'

'It is my pleasure, though your brother is determined to be an unpleasant traveling companion. My thanks to you and Lord Needham for your hospitality.' Graham chuckled good-naturedly but Benedict refused to feel even a pang of remorse. Granted, he had been incredibly ill-tempered, snapping at any minor provocation, but the way everyone around him seemed hell-bent on coddling him was driving him up the wall. He hated feeling as entirely helpless as he had the past few days. He was a man of action, one of the most influential men in the Kingdom, he had things to do, bills to pass, and estate matters to oversee. He was a busy, busy man and he did not have the time to be shuffled off to the country like a man in his dotage. To make matters worse, everyone around him was treating him as if he would die if they turned their attention from him for even a moment.

Who was he, without his work? Without his duty?

He did not have an answer.

'Ophelia, would you be so kind as to send word ahead of us to the estate in Cornwall? I do not know if Her Grace keeps it staffed at this time of year and I would hate to catch them unawares with our arrival.'

He could have sworn a conspiratorial look crossed her face for just a second before her sweet smile replaced it and she murmured her assent, avoiding his eye. The conversation shifted to the Marchioness of Graham and her charitable work with Graham providing all sorts of interesting details about his mother's work with her syndicate of influential ladies.

'Yes, I have heard all about your mother from Minerva. She absolutely sings her praises. Her Ladyship's work with the Women's Sanctuary is something incredibly commendable.'

Graham seemed pleased with the praise.

'It surprises me that Her Grace and my mother get along well. My mother is a tad....severe.'

'I think it was difficult for your mother to dislike someone who had such similar ideals as her, my Lord.'

'How do you mean?' Graham tilted his head. 'I thought it was her coin that made Her Grace more palatable to my mother. My mother is not too fond of the epidemic of Americans with money marrying into our ranks.'

'I think it's easy to see that Minerva is not exactly an idle heiress, she is very passionate about anything she sets her mind to and is a very determined woman.'

'Precisely. My Duchess is impressive, is she not?' Benedict felt his face shift into a mean smile. 'Just see Graham, she was set on having a title and here we are! The only title greater would be that of a princess, but alas I do not think princes have weaknesses as mortal as debt or addiction for her to exploit. Or they're more discreet about them than our dearly departed Father.'

Ophelia stiffened, narrowed her eyes at him, and uttered a reproachful 'Benedict!'

By God, his mood was so foul that he was here maligning a woman who couldn't even defend herself. And speaking ill of the dead. God, he was an unmitigated arse. And yet, he couldn't bring himself away from his anger. He was going to go live in her estate. Every goddamn thing was going to be a reminder of all she had taken from him. Every tile in that home was going to be a reminder that he had only made himself respectable on the back of her money.

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