Chapter 12: Ben

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'So, what do you make of the Arabian?' Benedict said to alleviate the incredibly awkward silence that had settled in the stables the minute he had walked- yes, he had graduated from hobbling now, albeit he still needed his walking stick – into the stables to find Miss Macleod patting the ill-tempered beast that had caused his sprained ankle as if he was a timid pet dog. He left his walking stick leaning against the door of the stall that housed Haider, who would be spoiled for his attention as Benedict had been unable to traverse the uneven walk to the stables until now. Miss Macleod stared at him in what he could only describe as a mix between suspicion and disapproval. Haider nudged his shoulder, greedy for the sugar cubes he had brought for him. Benedict held out his palm for the spoiled beast to graze as he looked at her, expecting a response.

What had he done to her, of all people? They had barely even spoken. She visibly swallowed, then finally opened her mouth to speak.

'Are you talking to me, Your Grace?'

'No, I was talking to Haider. Obviously. He has some very insightful thoughts on modern politics, I often consult him before Parliament sessions.' He gave his mount a sarcastic pat on the muzzle. 'Miss Macleod, do you see anyone else here?'

Temper flared behind those eyes just for a second before she replied demurely. 'No, Your Grace.'

'Well? Lady Eleanor has assured me you are rather an expert, I am inclined to take her for her word. I am something of an equestrian myself, but I welcome a second opinion.'

'Truthfully? He's magnificent and he knows it.' Her admiration evident in her breathless whisper, she seemed to relax finally. She was smiling now, as she continued. 'There's a good deal of arrogance in his spirit, and he's something of a rebel. Does not like to follow orders. If I were to train him, I would first begin by gaining his trust, then by slowly introducing him to commands. Give him incentive to obey; treats and praise. Whoever was training him before likely used the crop to discipline him. He starts panicking as soon as he sees one. He distrusts human touch but he also craves affection, it took almost half an hour of feeding him apples before he let me touch him. Even then, he nearly bit my fingers off the first time.'

'I thought much the same.' Benedict concurred, feeling a little validated about his opinion. 'His owner, my brother-in-law, is not exactly famed for his patience.'

'He's too beautiful to suffer at an inexperienced hand. Poor darling.' She sighed, the horse nuzzled her palm and stomped his hooves, clearly unhappy to have her attention directed elsewhere. She reached into her satchel and produced an apple slice that the Arabian was all too happy to have. She murmured sweet nothings to him in Gaelic as Benedict watched in appreciation of her obvious talent with animals. He agreed with her, Needham was a fool for not respecting the animal as he should. Just from the sheer physicality of the horse, it was clear to see he was a champion in the making. His own stables were so full these days, and he simply did not have the time to train a horse as temperamental as this one, or else he would have bought it in a heartbeat. Perhaps Miss Macleod would be interested....?

He turned the thought over in his head and found it incredibly appealing, for sending the horse back to a negligent owner felt nothing short of distasteful.

The sound of approaching hooves called both of their attention to the entrance of the stable, where Graham had returned from his habitual morning ride. He lifted his hand in greeting before he spotted Miss Macleod, at which point his face pinched with a fleeting look of incredible displeasure before it was replaced by his normal affable expression. Now, what had that been about? Graham was almost notoriously good-natured. He hadn't even offered Ben a single word of reproach throughout his surly behavior of the last few weeks. One didn't exactly amass a string of lovers without being incredibly likable.

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