Chapter 46: Vera

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'No.' Nicholas announced firmly, setting down his cup of warmed milk with such force that some of it spilled onto the table. 'I won't do it, I won't. I don't want to live with you. And I don't want to call you papa.'

Minerva watched Stanhope's heart break through his eyes, but he remained in place. When he raised his cup to his lips, his hands trembled. 'You- you don't have to make a decision right now, Nick.'

'Nicholas.' The boy snapped so fiercely that Vera winced.

'I would like to get to know you. I know I haven't been a good papa. I know. I was selfish and stupid, but please do believe that I love you. Your mother, she sent me this when you were born,' he pulled out a small pouch from the breast pocket of his coat, the fabric worn as if the keeper handled it frequently. He loosened the strings and took out a lock of hair. 'I have kept it with me, right here next to my heart. There has not been a day that has gone by that I have not hated myself for my actions, but I am trying to make it right. Will you let me?'

And damn if that didn't even make her eyes a little misty. Everything about Stanhope screamed sincerity, regret, and anguish.

Nicholas looked to her, vulnerability, hope, and doubt warring across his features. 'Please, make him go away. I- I don't know what to do.'

'That's alright,' She grabbed his hand and squeezed. 'You don't have to give anyone an answer. But you can't make a decision if you don't talk to your father, right? Lord Stanhope can come back and visit on Saturday, can't he?'

'I don't know. Maybe.'

'You could go down to the beach with him and have a picnic, perhaps?'

'I- yes. I think that would be nice. I don't have to give him an answer?'

'No, darling,' She bussed a kiss to the top of his head. 'You don't have to do a single thing that you don't want to.'

Which was not exactly true, for Stanhope could forcibly remove Nick from the orphanage as his legal guardian, but even he wasn't stupid enough to attempt it. It would undoubtedly widen the chasm between him and his son.

'Very well. Saturday, then.' Stanhope stood and bowed to both of them and then turned to her. 'Thank you. I will owe you a debt for as long as I live.'

'I did not do it for you,' she dismissed him with an icy flick of her hands. 'That boy deserves to know his family, but if you imagine I will try to sway him to your side, you are incredibly mistaken.'

'Of course, but you still have been there for him when I could not. You and the people at this orphanage have made him feel safe and cared for. You cannot know what that means to me.'

Once he was out of the doors, Nick came and sat down on the chair next to Vera. 'Do you have to go to America? America is stupid. They have bears in America. And you're the only one who isn't afraid of Lord Stanhope.'

'I am afraid I do, darling. Someone really important to me is ill and I must go see her.'

'I do not want to live with him.'

'You don't have to, I promise. But ask yourself; why not, Nick? He is your father and he really seems like he wants to take care of you now. I really do think he loves you.'

'He won't want a son who can't even walk. A son who is a b-bas-' Nick's voice wobbled with unshed tears.

'No. Do not ever call yourself that, sweet boy.' She held him close and she was just about to say more when the door burst open to reveal Elizabeth, her little face red with fury and tears.

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