Chapter 30 - Kellan

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Chapter 30 – Kellan

STOP! This is crazy. She's not going to talk again tonight, and it's awkward to keep appearing on her sidewalk like some stalker.

Over a half-hour had passed since Maddie slammed the door on me, and I was still out on the street. I'd almost made it home three times, only to walk back to Maddie's and stand there. I wanted to kick the front door in and make her talk to me, but as soon as I made it to the front step, I would freeze.

How did this happen so quickly? I don't even feel like I had a chance to explain. And knowing Maddie I might not get one.

I shook my head like a dog trying to dry off, hoping to jar myself loose from these thoughts. I couldn't afford to think like this. I'd never make it through the night if I thought we were over for good.

Truth was she needed space to see that I wasn't the awful person she told me I was. Yes, it was a mistake that I didn't tell her sooner, and... yeah, I had to admit that it was creepy that I kept talking to her on Twitch. But it wasn't often, only a couple of times, and it was about the game, nothing personal. I wanted to cheer her on when she played MineCraft. I was her boyfriend. I cared.

Although it was still early for a Friday night, the only sound were my shoes scuffling on the pavement. I was sulking, not really wanting to go home and stare at my bedroom walls full of Maddie. I didn't want to lay on the sheets that we'd tangled up together just the day before. I didn't want to smell cinnamon cookies on my pillow.

Because when I did, I'd die.

My porch was wrapped in shadow when I finally accepted I was going home. I'd left the light off and it was just as well. I didn't want to see anything. I wanted to sit in the dinky old chair next to the front door and try to pretend that this was just a fight. Maddie was an exploder–it's what she needed to do to process. She'd come around.

An hour later I wasn't convinced. I resigned myself to the impending implosion and went inside. That was a huge mistake.

"Hey Kel, thought you'd be out with your girly friend. Whatcha home early for?"

There were no lights on in the house and mom's car was gone. But she was most certainly here. I could smell the acrid tang of Jack Daniels as soon as I opened the front door.

"Mom? What are you doing home?" I said hesitantly.

She belched and laughed, her laughter drawling out like a car that's trying to start but won't turn over.

"I showed up to work slightly inebriated and Carla took my keys and drove me home. You know she had the nerve to suspend me for two weeks?"

I rubbed my eyes, almost convinced I'd heard her wrong.

"You showed up to work drunk? Is that what you're saying?"

I saw her slam a shot back and sit the bottle down on the table.

"I had a shot of Jack and a beer. I wouldn't call it drunk. But they smelled it and that was that. Now I've got to get the damn car in the morning. Oh, well. I could use a vacation."

I'm going to get stuck with you now, aren't I? I'm going to get stuck here trying to go to college, taking classes I don't care about, working bullshit jobs to pay the bills because you chose to throw your life away.

"So, what are you doing home early anyway? Why don't you grab a beer and talk to me," she patted the couch cushion next to her. "You're old enough. If you want to have one or two I won't stop you."

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