Relationship with Mr. Nie

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After discussing it with the other side, Jian Luo was very happy. Originally, he was about to sleep, but the little brother in the lower bunk suddenly said, "Brother, can I sleep with you?"

Jian Luo was stunned for a moment and replied, "Come up."

Jian Sheng rose up, rustled for a while, climbed up and took the pillow, and sat obediently beside Jian Luo.

"You're really prepared." Jian Luo couldn't help laughing and crying: "Tell me, why did you suddenly think of going to bed with your brother?"

Jian Sheng lay beside him: "Brother, do you think I can be a soldier?"

Why do you suddenly ask this question?

Jian Luo thought for a while: "You don't have confidence in yourself?"

"No." Jian Sheng's voice was hesitant and hesitant in the dark night: "They said that humans can't be soldiers because of their short lifespan and insufficient ability."

Jian Luo lay on the bed: "Why do you want to be a soldier?"

The little brother next to him leaned against him: "Because I want to protect you and my mother, I don't want to farm, I want to be more capable."

For ordinary human beings, if they want to become stronger, it may be basically a fantasy except for the road of joining the army.

Jian Luo put his hand under his head: "That's not the only way to be a soldier. Do you think my brother has protected you?"

The younger brother thought for a while: "Yes."

"That's it." Jian Luo was slow and his tone was not heavy: "Whether it is a Dark Star or a human being, everyone should live well within the realm of their ability, and little people have their own way of living, but I don't actually I want you to force yourself to realize any dream because of me and my mother, and my mother will not think about it, just live according to what you want."

Jian Sheng seems to understand but does not understand.

"But you have to pay the price and effort for your choice." Jian Luo said slowly, "No one can pay for your life."

Jian Sheng raised his head slightly: "Brother, what is your dream in life?"

"Me?" Jian Luo really didn't think about it, he thought about it carefully: "Actually, I don't have any dreams."

Jian Sheng seemed to be a little surprised: "No dreams?"

Of course the child thinks it's amazing, after all, in his opinion, how can there be no dreams, it's just like talking about a dream!

"Well." Jian Luo didn't want to hide it from him: "I don't have a dream, I just want to have a car, a house and food. If it goes well, I will relax and travel. If it goes well, maybe I will meet you again. Live your life with a like-minded person."

The younger brother was curious: "Brother, what kind of person do you like?"

What kind of person?

This question is really embarrassing.

He is a fellow, and he definitely likes strong onslaughts.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but think of Lu Shifeng, a peerless onslaught with a strong body, but thinking about it, it is more important to be like-minded.

Although the onslaught is good, you can't be greedy.

Just as Jian Luo was about to speak, a thin snoring sound came from beside him. Jian Sheng, who was beside him, agreed to chat, but he fell asleep directly. The child put his legs on him, as if he is a bandit stance.

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