Compete For Favor

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Lu Shifeng leaned down, and from his angle, he could just see clearly the three suffocating questions on Jian Luo's panel. For a moment, the expression on Marshal Lu's face could be called extremely wonderful.

Black and white, so lively.

There is a live broadcast of a flying machine, and a specially enlarged screen, which can be seen by everyone's information terminals.

Jian Luo retracted his thoughts, looked at the panel and coughed lightly: "Then let me give a simple answer."

I don't know if it was his delusion, but after he said he wanted to answer, the audience seemed to be much quieter than before.

Looking at the first question, Jian Luo couldn't help laughing and crying: "Well, if you choose a mate..."

This question is a bit difficult.

After all, the child is there, and letting the child hear something bad will be more impactful.

Jian Luo took a deep breath and said, "Have a sense of responsibility, have the same interests and hobbies, have a common topic, and the most important thing is to be pleasing to the eye."

This is a very official answer.

However, there was basically an applause below, and the Dark Star people could be said to be very satisfied with Jian Luo's answer.

When it came to the second question about whether he was single, Jian Luo hesitated even longer.

Lu Shifeng glanced at him calmly. Although he didn't say a word, he was full of meaning. Those blood-red eyes seemed very intimidating.

Jian Luo thought for a while, and finally said, "For now, I'm unmarried."


There was silence in the air again.

Quite a while

The atmosphere was restless again.

Although he didn't say whether he was single or not, isn't it enough to be unmarried? This means they still have a chance! The third question basically doesn't need to be answered!

Jian Luo smiled slightly when he saw the third question: "As for opportunities, I think this kind of thing mainly depends on fate."

The Dark Stars below have all tasted it carefully.

No rejection, rounding up is a chance!

Although Jian Luo had a smile on his face, Lu Shifeng stood next to him like a ghost. Even though everyone was excited, no one dared to take a step forward, for fear that he would die because he stepped his left foot before him.

Dragons are a very possessive race. They have a very close and morbid possessiveness for what they think they own, and they will be punished even if they are far away.

Jian Luo closed the information panel and said to the emperor, "The answer is over."

The little emperor unknowingly stayed away from Lu Shifeng, otherwise he would be uncomfortable with the murderous sting, and said, "Okay, okay, go back to the palace, go back to the palace, I have hosted a banquet for you."

Jian Luo nodded.

They passed through the crowd surrounded by the Dark Star ministers, and everyone's fiery eyes looked at Jian Luo's arms, and the cubs were also a little stage fright and a little scared.

Jian Luo felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, but he could only endure it.

With a wave of Lu Shifeng's long arm, he pulled Jian Luo over to lean against him. His body was tall and his aura was strong. As soon as he got close, half of Jian Luo's body was covered, and Lu Shi's cover was tight. Tension, an unpleasant aura leaked from his body, causing many people who were looking at it to stop their thoughts.

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