13 - Saturday, November 28

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The sun had barely begun its descent into the dreary sky as I bolted upright on the couch, my eyes darting toward the clock on the wall. My heart lurched in my chest as the digits glaring back at me mercilessly displayed a time far later than I had anticipated, and my nap had turned out longer than intended. Frustration mingled with anxiety, fueling a curse that escaped my lips in a hushed breath.

Without any hesitation, I flung off the warm cocoon of blankets that had been reluctant to release me. The fabric of my clothes rustled against my skin as I hastily dressed and swung open the front door, venturing into the world. The streets, as ever, lay shrouded in silence, oblivious to my feverish strides as they propelled me toward the park.

It appeared that I had arrived with punctuality, for the souls I sought were nowhere to be found. But an involuntary gasp escaped my lips when something almost swept me off my feet. A torrent of laughter followed from behind me, an unfamiliar warmth spreading through my chest as his embrace enveloped me. It was an embrace I had never experienced from him before.

"You said soon!" Benji exclaimed, the timbre of his words infused with playful teasing. "This isn't soon!"

Slight regret intertwined with relief as I mustered the warmest smile I could, meeting his gaze. "I'm sorry, kiddo. I think I caught a cold last week. I didn't want to get you sick too."

A confident smile played upon his lips as he took my hand. "I don't get sick."

Before he could whisk me away, I halted his eager stride, my eyes seeking out the uncannily similar faces of Alex and Gabi. And in that fleeting moment, I remembered something I had forgotten at home amidst the whirlwind of my rush, chastising my absentmindedness.

"Hey," Alex greeted with an amused smile. "Why are you so red?"

"I might have been running," the admission escaped my lips with a lingering breathlessness. "I was late."

A melodic laugh, sweet yet tinged with a sugar-coated edge of sarcasm, echoed through the air. "That's a phrase I never thought to hear from you."

I put on a pout and redirected my gaze back to Benji. "Please save me from the mean lady, bird boy."

Benji laughed heartily, tugging me away. "Come. I brought my photos that I've taken since then. I want to show them to you."

And within his firm grip on my hand, we were off into a world of our own where time stealthily slipped away, carrying us far from the clutches of rigid expectations and the constraints of age. I shed the burdens of adulthood and transformed into a spirited child, treading the path forged by another, my heart brimming with unquenchable curiosity.

We laughed and chased each other around, weaving through the jungle gym and conquering the monkey bars. The coldness in my fingertips was forgotten amidst the warmth that radiated from within. The chill of the wind was but a distant murmur, unable to penetrate the cocoon of childlike wonder that enveloped us.

Time had worn away the years since I had last surrendered to such blissful abandon, and I basked in the sheer liberation it brought. The company of children had remained an uncharted territory throughout my life, with the exception of my many dolls—figments of my imagination woven into semblances of reality. And it proved to be an exhilarating revelation.

Benji's presence was addicting, like a lungful of invigorating, sun-kissed air that filled my lungs with warmth and joy. My heart softened at such innocent happiness radiating from his sparkling eyes. His genuine enthusiasm for the simplest of things was a reminder to appreciate the small wonders that often went unnoticed. With every shared moment and every shared laugh, I fell deeper into his world's magic.

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