14 - Friday, December 11

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The Winter Ball illuminated the gym in a magical way that night. The atmosphere was electric, filled with laughter and stories as I spent time with Olivia, Sophia, and fun strangers.

Despite being at the end of the event when whispers of going home or attending the afterparty floated around, the excitement in the air remained. But just as I contemplated taking a breather to recharge, Sophia's touch found my hand, her grasp urging me back toward the dwindling dance floor, a clear sign that the evening was winding down.

A faint groan escaped Sophia's lips as she scanned the surroundings. The glitter adorning her face shimmered in the iridescent lights, transforming her features into a constellation of stardust. "Where did everyone go?"

"Probably migrated to your house. Shouldn't we get going too?"

"I got one of my friends to keep an eye on what's going on there. The student council has to stay longer because the school board is worried about the food rotting or whatnot."

Just as our conversation unfolded, the music abruptly faded away, leaving us momentarily suspended in silence. Surprise mingled with a twinge of dismay flickered across our faces, mirroring the sudden cessation of the once-thriving dance floor. Sophia furrowed her brows, her features contorting with dissatisfaction.

Amidst the unexpected quietude, a gentle laugh escaped my lips. "I guess it's really over now."

She stepped away with a sly grin. "I've been kinda waiting for this. Come on."

Confused but undeniably intrigued, I trailed her footsteps to the parking lot, where she opened the trunk of her car and retrieved two guitars, handing them to me. My curiosity only intensified as she made a call and led us back to the dimly lit stage where Lucas awaited us, his expression a mirror of my own confusion.

But beneath the surface of our collective bewilderment, an irrepressible surge of exhilaration bubbled within, eager to burst forth. The school took their extracurriculars very seriously, as evidenced by the equipment around us that I dared not disturb with my limited understanding.

Sophia's cheeks were stretched with a wide grin as she connected the instruments and pressed buttons on the soundboard. "Ready to jam?" she said, handing me one of her guitars.

Before I could articulate my response, a stern voice rang out from behind, causing us to turn in unison. "What's going on here?" Mr. Harris asked, surprise painting his features as he peered up at us from beneath his furrowed brow.

Sophia immediately stepped forward and looked down at the principal. "Sir, we'll just play for a little while. Maybe the cleaning will go along a lot faster with some background music."

"I think we'd be better off with six extra hands, not music." Mr. Harris sighed, but as Sophia unleashed her teachers' pet powers, her eloquence mingling with genuine charm, his initial sternness gave way to a soft smile. "Just be sure to switch everything off afterward, alright? I don't want any surprises in the morning."

Victorious in her negotiation, Sophia beamed. "Of course. We'll leave everything as it was before."

Though the crowd had thinned, a harmonious interplay of nerves and excitement mingled within me. One part of me was nervous, for our previous jam sessions had been confined to Sophia's room, but another part of me brimmed with exhilaration, for music had been my soul's companion for as long as I could remember.

A wave of sound cascaded throughout the gym, its sonorousness echoing from wall to wall. The vibrations coursed through me like electricity, the rhythmic strumming of strings and the uplifting hum of the bass creating a beautiful sound that carried us away in a blissful state of musical nirvana, surpassing our bedroom sessions. The stage bestowed upon me a vibrant pulse of existence that seemed boundless, aligning the polarities of my soul and those around me.

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