38 - Tuesday, April 20

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Despite our shared inexperience with any of this, being with Alex was an experience that left an indelible mark on my heart and soul, an indescribable pleasure that exceeded all measures.

With our friendship as a foundation of our relationship, taking this next step, in a way, felt effortless. We already knew mostly every corner of each other's lives and hearts, and this journey together seemed like a natural result of that.

Every day felt as if we were dancing a seamless waltz, each step in perfect sync with the other. There seemed to be no need for planning, no need for expectations. We just lived our lives, as simple as that.

A call from Martha started my day, kindly asking me to open up the coffee shop. And when she arrived to take my place, I made a slight detour to Alex's classroom with some warm coffee in hand, knowing full well that she too had been up at the crack of dawn—the good morning voice message that had arrived at an ungodly hour of five a dead giveaway.

The day drifted by in a peaceful rhythm, the hours a gentle ebb and flow of familiar tasks and comforting routines. As the sun began to dip below the horizon, I found myself alone in the tranquil confines of the coffee shop again, wiping down tables, tidying up the equipment, and preparing to close.

A familiar jingle of the door chime brought a smile to my face even before I turned around. And when a pair of little arms clasped around me, my smile deepened.

"There's my two favorite people." I beamed, ushering Benji towards the counter. "Now tell me, how was school? Your hot chocolate is already waiting for you over there."

"I saw." He giggled and grabbed the cup. "Thank you."

Sipping on his drink, Benji regaled me with the details of his day, his exuberance seeping like warm honey into the previously quiet space. Alex sat patiently in one of the chairs, a gentle smile adorning her face as she waited for me to finish up, her eyes following my every move.

Finally, I put the apron away and grabbed the keys. "To Gabi's?" I asked, landing a quick kiss on her cheek before stepping outside.

"Yeah, we grabbed some pizzas. That poor thing has been living on instant ramen for like three days."

As we drove, her hand intertwined with mine—a simple gesture, yet so sweetly bestowed. Regardless of how demanding her own day had been, Alex consistently put in the effort and made me feel valued. Even when there was nothing new to share, she would always ask me about my day and hang onto every word. The feeling of being so cherished was still new to me, but it was one that I embraced wholeheartedly.

Upon arriving, we were just about to enter the living room when Gabi sprinted over to us, her movements agitated and anxious. She tore us apart with a shove, causing us to stand a good five feet apart.

"Oh hey!" she exclaimed, shaking her head as if to warn us. "Didn't know you were coming over."

"Is that Lex?" a voice came from around the corner where Owen soon emerged, and I grasped the situation. His face lit up with a smile upon spotting her. "Looks like we have some company after all."

"Hey." Alex smiled, a little caught off guard too. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to watch the game with Tony, but he's not home, as it turns out, so we're just hanging. Hey, Benj- oh, he's already off." He laughed, watching Benji bolt towards his room before turning to me. "Hi, Daniels."

A polite smile crossed my lips as I returned his greeting, though an uncomfortable sensation took root within my chest. His presence served as a poignant reminder of the duplicity that we constantly engaged in, and I found myself wishing to walk back out the door.

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