Lost a Battle, But Not The War

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This is my third story! I hope that I can balance all books I have going on. Anyway, my obsession with Pedro Pascal led me to another character of his. I still hate that Oberyn died and that we didn't see much of him. So by the magic of fanfiction, I'm fixing that. This was an idea had a long time ago and I hope it makes sense.

Please note I own NOTHING! Just the couple of characters I created.

Sarella sighed as she leaned against the Heart-Tree in Winterfell's Godswood. She found comfort in The Old Gods thanks to Jon and Elios. Where The Seven remained silent to her fears and sorrows, The Old Gods whispered and offered comforting caresses in the breeze. She didn't understand the whispers around her but the feeling in her heart was enough to reassure her.

She looked at the pile of letters on her lap and smiled. While her sweet Jon may not be the most eloquent in speech, he was an excellent wordsmith with the quill and ink. Her sisters teased her every time she sighed at a romantic lyrics he sent. Sadly, news from The Wall weren't as frequent as she wanted. However, every letter was cherished as if he spoke the words to her personally.

"Day dreaming again?" A giggle came from from the woods.

Sarella looked up and smiled. Margaery Stark née Tyrell appeared out of the woods into view. She had adapted well to The North. The smallfolk were enchanted by her and the honorable nobles respected her especially after she accepted The Old Gods. Her popularity grew immensely when she took up archery and worked with the Stark battlefield healers tending to the wounded. While she wore Stark colors, she kept her hairstyle in popular braid found in Highgarden and continued to see golden roses on her sleeves.

Sarella was impressed at Margaret's cunning and flexibility. She knew she'd have to keep an eye on her.

"Your Grace," Sarella nodded her head but didn't get up from her perch beneath the Heart Tree. "Have you come seeking counsel with The Old Gods for the little one?"

Margaery gently touched the slight swell of her belly. "It's funny. I was always a follower of The Seven but being here," she motioned to the whispering woods around her. "I truly feel a presence and a peace I never found in the halls of The Seven."

Sarella helped her sit beside her. "I felt the same. But my brother and betrothed turned to The Old Gods and we've all felt better for it."

"I can't wait for this war to be over." Margaery sighed. "I want my husband here."

"You're doing an excellent job running The North in Robb's stead. Not even Catelyn Tully can complain."

"Oh, she'll find something to complain about." Margaery growled. "Ever since I converted to The Old Gods and embraced The Northern life, she's always criticizing everything little thing I do."

"Well, we'll let her be a miserable trout." Sarella nodded to Margaery's belly. "We've got more important things to care about."

Margaery giggled. "Robb said he hopes it's a girl."

"Really?" Sarella gasped. "Not a son?"

Margaery shook her head and smiled. "He said he wants a daughter to spoil and train like the ladies of Bear Island."

"I'm sure Tully loved that!"

The women's laughter was interrupted with the Maester running into the Godswood. "Forgive me, Your Grace! I being terrible news!"

"What happened?" Margaery's heart sank.

"Scouts have reported back," the old man wheezed, "We've been betrayed by Theon!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2023 ⏰

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