Long Lost Siblings

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This is my third story! I hope that I can balance all books I have going on. Anyway, my obsession with Pedro Pascal led me to another character of his. I still hate that Oberyn died and that we didn't see much of him. So by the magic of fanfiction, I'm fixing that. This was an idea had a long time ago and I hope it makes sense.

Please note I own NOTHING! Just the couple of characters I created.

Sarella stroked Balerion's feathers as she gazed at the castle in the distance. Her father responded to her letter assuring her that he would meet her at Starfall but he wouldn't be traveling alone. Obara, Nym, and Tyene were coming as well. All were desperate to see their baby brother again and eager to see the man he grew into.

"Do you think we should send a messenger ahead to prepare them for our arrival?" Nymor asked. He was a little anxious about how the Daynes would receive them now that Sarella had joined the party. He hoped that by sending a messenger it would give their hosts time to prepare excuses if they were necessary.

"Of course," she answered as if reading his mind, "Wouldn't want to catch them off guard."

Nymor flagged down his squire to ride ahead to alert the Daynes while he and Sarella prepared their horses. As the young squire took off, Nymor guided Sarella around the docks trying not to step on the children chasing each other with toy swords and laughter. They guided their horses around the crowds taking their time getting to the castle. Sarella didn't mind. She took in the general splendor of the area and imagined her brother playing in this same area with Jon Sand. She also hoped to meet the man who acted as Elios' cousin. She hoped that he was everything Nymor said.

"Not much farther now," Nymor raised his eyes to the castle gates, "Would you like to speak to Arthur first?"

Sarella nodded as she released Balerion to go hunt for his dinner. "I think that's best. If he hasn't told Elios the truth by now, this will give us time on how to proceed."

Nymor nodded and continued forward. "Good. While you're busy with Arthur, I'll track down Jon and see what the plan is for our journey North."

Once they finally reached the gates, the guards gave a gentle bow and let them in. At first they were surprised to see the Daynes in the courtyard ready to receive them. Arthur stepped forward and bowed. "Lady Sarella, I'm Arthur Dayne. May I present my household?" He motioned to each person. "My nephew, Edric Dayne is away squiring for Sir Dondarrion so he isn't present and my sister Allyria is in Highgarden. This is my sister Ashara and her son Jon Sand." Both Jon and Ashara bowed. "And I think you know who this is..."

Elios looked at Arthur who gave him an encouraging nod then turned to Sarella giving his brightest smile and stepped forward. "We all thought it best to meet the awkwardness head on." He reached for his sister's hand. "You've finally found me...sister."

Sarella had strategized various scenarios about meeting her brother. But nothing prepared her for this. She feared that he was unaware of his true identity and that maybe she would need time to convince him. Instead here he was standing in front of her waiting to see if she was just as accepting. She surprised them all by dropping his hand and pulling him into a tight hug. "Brother..." she sighed, "I'm glad you're here..."

At first Elios was still as a statue unsure of what to do next. He quickly decided to return the tight embrace and chuckled at the size of her. The top of her head barely came up to his shoulder and she was so petite that he thought that he would squish her if he held too tight. They both took in each others scent and Sarella realized how much his scent reminded her of their father because both men smelled of sandalwood and leather. Elios smelled oranges and jasmine and his heart tugged at the bittersweet memory of his Elia; it was the same scent Elia wore. For a brief moment he imagined how happy Elia would've been to be here to witness this reunion. After a few moments, the Martell siblings released each other and gave each other tear-filled smiles.

Elios offered his arm. "Why don't we all take this conversation inside? I'm sure you have questions."

Sarella nodded and accepted his arm and happily let Elios lead the way to Arthur's solar. The rest of the Daynes and Nymor followed suit and despite previous beliefs, all felt that everything was going to turn out for the better. Not even the Red Viper's impending arrival could cast a shadow over the Martell siblings' first meeting.


The afternoon was spent in Arthur's solar discussing what led to Elios' arrival to Starfall, Julieta's plan, Elia, everything. Sarella listened intently and was impressed by the Gentle Lioness' plan. She really wanted to despise the Lannister woman but she couldn't find it in her heart to do so. It turned out that Julieta Martell fit right in with her family because she loved her child so much that she was willing to deceive the world to keep him safe. Even if it meant being hated for it later, at least her child was safe. She never stopped staring at her brother because of how much he resembled their father. He had the same smile, the same laugh, the same eyes, and the same demeanor. Her sisters were going to be thrilled to pick on him.

"If it's alright with everyone." Elios stood up. "But I think we should all rest before dinner. It's been a long journey for Sarella and Nymor."

Everyone nodded in agreement and went their separate ways. Jon walked with Nymor and showed him his guest rooms while Elios escorted Sarella to her rooms. Elios chose the guest room that faced the water and hoped that she would enjoy the view. Elios opened the door for his sister and turned to leave when he felt a small hand gently touch his shoulder. "Please don't go." She whispered, "Let's speak some more, please. Just us."

Elios nodded and sat down on the cushioned chaise on the balcony and gazed at the water. Sarella followed and sat across from him. As much as she wanted to bombard him with more questions, she sensed that she needed to wait for him to begin. After a moment, Elios began playing with his necklace. It was the Martell sun made of gold and amber with a golden spear piercing it. He gently took it off his neck and handed it to her. She accepted the trinket and examined it. The detail of the pendant was handcrafted, beautifully made with fine detail. When she turned it over she found a lion engraved on the back.

"I've always had this pendant," he explained, "My fa—I mean Sir Arthur always told me that it was supposed to remind me where I came from. The sun represents Dorne and the lion represents the Westerlands."

"Well, that's not a complete lie." Sarella reasoned.

Elios nodded. "True. He also told me my mother had it made..."

"No, she didn't." Sarella passed it back to her brother. "Our father did."


Sarella smiled. "He told me. He had it made when he found out you were coming. He wanted to say sorry for being cold toward your mother. He had it made for her. It was one of the things he noticed was missing when you disappeared."

"He remembered what necklace she wore?" He doubted.

"He told me she never took it off." She said, "He believed your nurse stole it to sell later."

Elios rubbed his eyes in frustration. "Ugh! This is too much information and not enough wine!"

Sarella rested a hand on his shoulder. "I can't imagine how painful and confusing this is, but we're going to figure this out. All of us together."

"All of us?"

"The Viper and the rest of the Sand Snakes are already on their way," she giggled, "Our elder sisters are so eager to see you again."

"Really?" Elios smiled.

"Really. Now get outta here so I can bathe." She laughed. "It's been a long journey after all!"

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