Reunited With The Sun

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This is my third story! I hope that I can balance all books I have going on. Anyway, my obsession with Pedro Pascal led me to another character of his. I still hate that Oberyn died and that we didn't see much of him. So by the magic of fanfiction, I'm fixing that. This was an idea had a long time ago and I hope it makes sense.

Please note I own NOTHING! Just the couple of characters I created.

Obara paced anxiously outside her stepmother's birthing chamber. It was late in the night and her sisters chose their warm beds over waiting for their sibling's arrival. She was nervous about her new mother's health and her new sibling but she was terrified about her place in the Martell family once the baby was born. She overheard the maids talking about trueborn heirs and how they take precedence over bastards. Her lady mother said that nothing would change, but she was a Lannister and father always said not to trust Lannisters. Finally the door opened and her father stepped into the hall and smiled. "Are you ready to meet your baby brother?"

"A little brother?" she gasped and ran inside to see her lady mother holding a small bundle in her arms. Her golden hair was damp with sweat and she was visibly tired but her smile and eyes were bright as she motioned for her to come closer. Obara felt her father gently nudge her forward then suddenly her mother placed the baby in her arms. She looked at her father in a panic but his gentle smile assured her that everything was alright. She smiled as the baby opened his eyes and stared at her with wonder and smiled at her.

"Look, Father!" she giggled, "He smiled at me!"

Her mother softly chuckled, "That's because he likes you. He can tell that you're a good big sister."

Obara eyed her parents in disbelief. "Really?"

Oberyn knelt down and smiled. "You really are."

Obara opened her eyes back to the horizon and brought her mind to the present. She tapped her foot impatiently as Starfall slowly came into view. She growled as if glaring at the castle would hasten their destination. She slightly turned her head towards the footsteps approaching her side. Her father silently stood beside her, gazing at the castle.

"Have patience, my love." He chuckles at her tapping foot. "We'll get there soon enough."

Obara  growled, "I can't help it. I want to see how the Daynes have treated him."

"According to your sister," Oberyn gazed out at the shimmering water, "He has been treated well..."

"She's been with them, what, a few weeks?" Obara huffed, "How would she know?"

Oberyn rested a hand on her shoulder and turned her to face him. "What's this really about? You know that Sarella isn't a naive maiden."

Obara bowed her head. "I'm just angry. I was the one who was supposed to teach him how to use the spear. I was supposed to watch out for him. I promised Mother..."

"We all feel robbed of our time with your brother." Oberyn rested his forehead against hers. "But now we can look forward to the rest of our lives with him."

"But what if he doesn't like us? Or what if he doesn't want to go home with us?"

Oberyn paused at that thought. It was something he often asked himself while on this trip. It was a cruel demon of doubt clawing at the back of his mind that his child would reject them and he wasn't prepared to experience that heartache or witness the devastated faces of his older daughters. "For the first time in a long time, I have hope. If he wasn't willing to see us, then Sarella would've sent word sooner."  

The Raging Sun {Book One}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora