A Father's Regret

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This is my third story! I hope that I can balance all books I have going on. Anyway, my obsession with Pedro Pascal led me to another character of his. I still hate that Oberyn died and that we didn't see much of him. So by the magic of fanfiction, I'm fixing that. This was an idea had a long time ago and I hope it makes sense.

Please note I own NOTHING! Just the couple of characters I created.

Meanwhile in Sunspear

Oberyn wistfully glanced around what is to be his son's chamber. A few years after his son's disappearance, Oberyn chose a room in the palace and very year on Elios' nameday, Oberyn rearranged and added a few things that were age appropriate. Many looked at him with pity and others reproached Doran for humoring this madness. Currently this solemn space was no longer littered with toys and child's clothes. Instead books, writing materials, small weapons, anything a young man would need could be found scattered around. They only thing out of place was the carved wooden horse that his baby adored. He turned the little toy horse over and over in his hands as he lost himself in thought. Am I mad for continuing to hold on to hope? He wondered. Many had already believed that their little smiling sun was dead, but the Red Viper refused to consider the idea. If anything, this was the only thing keeping him sane.

Losing Elia and her children was a devastating blow. He loved his sister dearly and the fact that there would be no justice for her only made his blood boil. Having his children calmed some of his rage and there was a time where his wounded heart began to heal. He had his children and Julieta to thank for that. He truly regretted not making more of an effort to show his affection, but his grudge with her family forbid him from it. He cursed his ridiculous pride. It was only when Julieta was murdered and his son taken from him that he realized the absurdity of his behavior toward his wife. Regret was what he always felt around this time of year. Regret that he wasn't the one to check on their son that night. Regret that he wasn't there to teach Elios to wield a spear. Regret that he didn't watch his son grow into a strong man like he watched his daughters grow into powerful women. Regret. Regret. Regret.

He sighed as he set the horse back down on the desk and closed the door behind him. He promised his girls he'd meet them at the Water Gardens and play. When he finally arrived, the girls were already in the middle of their game. The youngest girls Elia, Obella, Dorea, and Loreza didn't truly understand their father's melancholy whereas the eldest four knew that today nothing would lighten their father's heart. He took a seat at a small table under the trees and pulled out a small sketch book he kept. Sometimes he enjoyed sketching his surroundings. He watched his youngest snakes chase each other around the garden and forced a smile whenever one of them made eye contact. As he watched his girls enjoy their game he imaged Elios amongst them.

A gentle hand on the shoulder pulled him from his day dream. "Ah Sarella! When did you get back?"

Sarella was Oberyn's fourth daughter. She had similar physical characteristics, but out of all his girls she was the scholar. She picked up books the way he picked up lovers. She was incredibly intelligent as she was beautiful. After losing Julieta and Elios, Oberyn chose to search for his son alone and sought comfort in the arms of the captain of the trade ship The Feathered Kiss. Sarella's birth lightened his spirit, all his daughters did. He just wished his family was complete.

She sat next to him and watched him scribble something on the small table. "What are you scribbling, father? More poetry?"

He chuckled, "No, my love. I'm just sketching."

"May I see?" she leaned over to see what he drew. She saw a young man that looked oddly familiar. She couldn't quite place it...

"It's your lost brother." he smiled at her curiosity. "Every year on his nameday I sketch what he will look like so we'll recognize him when we see him."

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