Leaving Home

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This is my third story! I hope that I can balance all books I have going on. Anyway, my obsession with Pedro Pascal led me to another character of his. I still hate that Oberyn died and that we didn't see much of him. So by the magic of fanfiction, I'm fixing that. This was an idea had a long time ago and I hope it makes sense.

Please note I own NOTHING! Just the couple of characters I created.
The Red Viper and his children remained in Starfall for a month. It gave them time to truly get to know Elios and Jon Sand. The Sand Snakes truly enjoyed teasing their brother when it came to his brothel visits or his hobby as a jeweler. It was all in good fun and Elios gave as good as he got. But the main target to their playful teasing was Jon and his obvious attraction to Sarella. Not that either party would admit their feelings towards each other. It was as if Elios knew his sisters his whole life. Obara finally showed him how to wield the spear properly and he showed her the benefits of the trident. He refused to give up this weapon. Tyene and Nym showed him their own talents with the whip, poisons, and daggers. He found each of his sisters entertaining and powerful in their own way. It didn't matter if they wielded weapons or words, they were a force to be reckoned with.

It was the perfect time for the family, but the North called for their missing pup. It was time to leave.

Ashara kept composed while the servants spent the day loading everyone's luggage to Oberyn's ship. Jon would accompany the Martells to Sunspear then from there, he would sail to White Harbour then continue to Winterfell. The sea was the fastest route and Ashara insisted that Jon pack any and all necessities, not trusting Lady Stark to provide for his needs. Arthur stood back while Ashara took care of the arrangements while he wrestled with the thought of letting go of Elios. He sat in his solar looking at the momentos he collected throughout Elios' growth. He kept them in a small chest and it held various treasures, each holding a memory. There were his son's first pair of baby shoes made of the finest silks now faded and frayed. There were the handful of seashells they collected when they played at the beach. There was the first ring that he made of gold but the engraving was sloppy. He wore it with pride until Elios presented him with a superior piece.

"Pa!" A young voice called from behind him.

"There you are!" Arthur smiled as he embraced his son. "The Maester said you ran from lessons again..."

"I had a good reason!" Elios defended.

"What reason?" Arthur folded his arms. Elios was developing a habit of avoiding his lessons in favor of sailing or running around the market causing trouble. Sometimes he would stage Jon into his mischief but it looked like today Elios was on his own.

Elios puffed his chest out with pride and presented his gift. "I made you this!"

Arthur opened his hand to receive what the child made and couldn't fight his smile. It was a gold uneven ring with a sloppy star engraved on it. "This is for me?"

Elios nodded eagerly. "The market's goldsmith was teaching how. Do you like it?"

He hugged the boy tightly to his body and kissed the top of his head. "I love it. Is this something you'll like to learn more about?"

"Yes, Pa!" Elios' eyes lit up at the prospect. "I can make Aunt Ashara pretty jewelry!"

"How about this?" Arthur straightened an out his new gift on his pinky. "How about we hire a goldsmith to come here and tutor you on his craft, but only AFTER you finish your lesson with the Maester."

Elios scrunched his nose in disgust and grumbled but he saw his father hold out his hand ready to make a deal. He looked his father in the eyes and, with all the seriousness he could muster, he shook it. Arthur held his grip and reminded his son the seriousness of a promise. Afterward he let his son go find his cousin to play leaving him to admire the most precious treasure he was given that day.

The Raging Sun {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now