Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

I glanced over at Jesse's sleeping body again. I'd wasted twenty minutes just sitting here deciding what to do. Time for action.

I took the bag of chex mix with me and quietly crept out of Jesse's room in search of Kade, hoping he was still up.

He was in his room, laying on his bed with his attention on his laptop.

"Hey." I said softly, knocking on the door as I walked in, which probably wouldn't have done much good.

"Hey." Kade glanced up at me as I shut the door and walked over to his bed.

"Whatcha doing?" I asked curiously, sitting down on the end of his bed and laying down on my back.

"Did you know 750,000 teens get pregnant every year?" Kade asked quietly. "And-"

"Dude don't look that shit up." I shook my head, reaching over to close his laptop. "It's just gonna freak you out. I'm pretty sure this was enough to scare her into being more careful."

"Easy for you to say, Bella, that's my baby sister in there. I'm legally and morally responsible for her I can't-"

"Everything's gonna be fine." I sighed, pushing myself up with my elbows. "You staying up for a while?"

"Sure wanna smoke?" Kade asked, changing moods completely as he reached over to his bedside table for an already rolled joint.

"Nah, I've got a soccer game in three hours."

"Shit what time you leaving?"

"6:30." I winced.

I sighed, looking at the joint as Kade lit it, smoking even though I couldn't.

"You sure?" Kade asked, handing it out to me. "You know they say you get a better workout in if you-"

"Fuck it." I laughed, reaching for it from his hands. "Might as well go out with a bang."

Kade raised his eyebrows as I breathed in.

"You're quitting?"

"Well yeah, I'm nineteen now anyways. Had planned on this being my last game for a while." I shrugged, handing back the joint before laying down on my back.

"And you didn't tell me this? You don't think I'd want to be at your last soccer game?" Kade frowned, sounding a little bit hurt.

I frowned, turning to look at him.

"No I actually didn't think you would. Besides, it's not like it'll be my last. Just my last on an actual team. Not fun anyways."

"Well I think it's fun." Kade frowned. "And kind of a big deal. I wish I would've done something to mark my last game."

"Rather than a fake career ending injury."

"Hey, when I went down we didn't know it was just a meniscus. It really was scary." Kade protested, holding out the joint again.

I hesitated for a moment before sitting up and taking it again.

"Shit that's smooth."

"I know right." Kade laughed before taking another hit himself. "You sure you're okay with tomorrow being your last game?"

"I don't really want to talk about this." I admitted, watching the smoke come out of his mouth. "Because I'm not sure I'm okay with it but it's happening."

"Don't you wanna win another state cup? Holy fuck you're not gonna play high school and get another chance at a ring!"

"Nah we've talked about this before, dude." I shook my head. "Over it."

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