Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"Coach's daughter? You've gotta be kidding me." Louis Jackson teased as I bounced down on the couch next to him.

"Ew, where? Ugh, who invited that bitch." I giggled, bumping my shoulder against his.

"Harrison! Where've you been! You haven't been to East Lansing in like a year!" Someone called from across the room. I couldn't even see who it was, having left my glasses on my bed.

"School, duh." I rolled my eyes wishing I knew who it was.

"Young'un." Louis teased again, his eyes meeting mine in a way that implied he thought we were having a repeat.

Poor guy, his less than 5 minute performance two summers ago wasn't going to get him a round two tonight.

So I just smiled at him before turning my attention back to the circle.

"Bells, drink. You gotta catch up." Ashley whined, trying to tip my drink up into my mouth.

"Well then don't go feeding me water eh?" I laughed, reaching for the glass bottle on the table. "What is this?" I asked, squinting to see the label.

"Vodka, four eyes." Louis' teasing voice was back again.


"Funny." I rolled my eyes, not acting at all amused as I stood up from the couch.

"Glasses are in the kitchen, same place as always." Ashley told me happily as I went to the kitchen. She scooted closer to Louis, keeping him preoccupied so that he wouldn't follow me.

She was brilliant even when pissed. I loved it.

I found three mismatch shot glasses already out on the counter and generously filled them all up to the brim.

I pounded all three in a row, nearly losing them before I had a chance to chase with white claw.

When I stopped chugging something fruity to get rid of the burn, I opened my eyes to see someone leaning against the sink, loosely holding a beer, and watching me with amusement.

"Impressive." He said with a grin, folding his arms across his chest. "For you." He winked.

He looked so familiar, but I just couldn't place it.

I studied him for a minute, trying to figure out where I knew him from. He couldn't be one of the guys from the team... I knew them all...

But I knew it would be an insult to ask him who he was... I mean, I was the coach's daughter and knew every guy and their strengths and weaknesses and stats dating back as long as I could remember my own name.

"For me?" I grinned, stepping towards him.

If I couldn't remember his name then I sure as hell haven't added him to my list yet.

Might as well take what Ashley said seriously, have myself a night.

"For a high schooler." He winked, moving his arms away from his body as I walked closer.

"Ooh that's all you think of me? Ouch." I whispered, pretending to be offended. "Gotta work on my reputation a bit then, yeah?"

The guy raised his eyebrows, a smirk growing on his face as he leaned closer.

How did I not recognize him?

I blamed the shots already, because his sweatshirt told me he did play for my dad at least within the last 5 years since the logo rebranding. I knew I'd recognize him if I had a clear head...

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