Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

"Dude." I warned as Jesse stumbled towards the box of wine on her dresser. "You sure about that?"

"You're not my mom." She muttered, a common phrase I'd been hearing from her lately.

Whether it was the decreasing involvement her actual mom had in her life, or my increasing age, Jesse had been rebelling more and more against me. I used to be her partner in crime, the Bonnie to her Clyde, we fucked shit up together.

But lately, in public especially, I think she felt a little bit 'babysat' by me.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes, laying back against her pillows as I settled into a blissful state.

I was in that sweet spot, I had just enough wine to loosen up my thoughts and make me happy and giggly, shockingly without crossing over into drunk. The weed had completely worn off from earlier, being replaced by a giggly feeling. Today was just a day to not be sober I guess.

Sure, when I was 16 and just starting high school, I definitely bought into the apparent culture of drinking as much as you could as fast as you could. I had many nights like Jesse was having right now, thinking you had to keep drinking to keep having a good time.

I barely registered what was happening as she took a large sip of her wine, her body instantly rejecting another dose of alcohol.

The solo cup splattered on the ground as she covered her mouth, already heaving as she sprinted down the hall to the bathroom.

I sighed, closing my eyes for a minute to enjoy the last few moments of my bliss before having to actually be her mom now.

But all I did was clean up the spilled wine on her thankfully wooden floor. I put the cap on the box before leaving the room to carry it down to the fridge.

I heard Jesse retching in the bathroom but didn't go check on her. Wasn't going to let her ruin my night.

I was still feeling fine as fuck and so help me God, I was not cleaning up vomit.

Drinking in situations like this is always so sketchy and potentially bad.

At a party, there's a limited supply and you're moving around and talking to people in between drinks.

In a bedroom, it's brutal. For people like Jesse, the only goal is to drink to get drunk. It's rough.

So I headed downstairs to the kitchen to find some food, my stomach jumping at the sight in front of me.

Kade was sitting at the table, eating straight out of a gallon of ice cream.

"Yoo..." I whispered, walking up to him. "Share?"

"It'll cost ya." Kade replied with a slight chuckle, his bloodshot eyes lighting up as he looked at me.

"Got any bud left?" I asked hopefully, disregarding his response as I took the spoon from him to take a scoop of ice cream.

"Nope." He grinned, rummaging around his pocket. "I've got a dab pen though."

"I would literally do anything to hit it right now." I whispered, leaning towards him. "Your sister is puking upstairs and I am not equipped to be responsible tonight."

Kade leaned towards me too, holding up the pen in between us. "It's strong as fuck, I'm warning you."

"Just my type." I winked, not breaking eye contact as I took a hit.


'Strong as fuck' did not even begin to describe the intensity of the marijuana I had inhaled.

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